Monday, September 30, 2013

Lundi 30/09

Today we practiced talking about phone numbers again and more about preferences (préfères-tu….?)

A Faire:  pg 51 #6 (write out the numbers!)

Devoirs:  notes over yellow box pg 37, read note culturelle and write a brief summary explaining what you understood in your own words.  Practice numbers!! Oral number quiz next week!!

Annonces:  Last day for late/missing stamps is this Friday!  Quiz next week!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Vendredi 27/09

Today we reviewed date, weather, age and birthday vocab.  We learned the words (nouns) for rain, clouds, snow, the sun, the heat, the cold and how to talk about our preferences for the weather.  We practiced numbers and telephone numbers and we learned ways to be successful in a foreign language class.

A Faire:  pg 73 #6 (follow model to write the date, season and weather), write 2 goals for 1st semester French in “semester 1” box on goal sheet.

Devoirs :  visual dictionary for all weather vocab (pg 71 + windy, and all nouns introduced today), also pg 43 #5 (write and say)  PRACTICE!!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mercredi 25/09

 Today we reviewed some vocabulary in the oral warm-up (Ca va?, date, weather, months, age, where we are from.)  We talked about seasons and the weather and months associated with each. I also introduced the question “c’est quand ton anniversaire?” (when is your birthday?) and we practiced answering it with “c’est le _#_  _mois_”. We worked on numbers from 60-100 (see pgs 39, 43) and did our phone numbers the French way.  “Quel est ton numéro de téléphone?  C’est”

A Faire:  pg 39 #5 (write out numbers in words, say with partner)  01 = zéro,un, 03 = zéro, trois

Devoirs :  pg 71 #2 (write the weather for each season in the cities listed), write and practice your phone number written in the French way!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Lundi 23/09

Today we reviewed how to talk about nationalities and extended our answers to include saying “je ne suis pas francais/francaise, je suis (americain/americaine/etc). (I’m not French, I’m American).  We also extended our vocabulary for saying where we are from.  Last week we learned to say “je suis de Portland” (I am from Portland) and this week we learned to say “je suis des États-Unis” (I am from the US).  We also did pg 21 #3 (that was homework over the weekend) in-class in partners.

Devoirs:  Pg 20 #1.  Write for yourself and invent 3 other characters to write about (vary the vocab so you get practice with different words!! Don’t make them all American boys from Portland, for example!)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Vendredi 20/09

Today we reviewed some vocabulary in the oral warm-up (Ca va?, date, weather, months, days of the week, how to talk about age.)  We also revisited the question “tu es français/française?” to talk about our nationalités.  We extended the question to talk about where we are from (city).

A Faire:  Write the question and the answer in each of the dialogues in pg 20 #2.  Do orally with a partner taking turns asking and answering.

Devoirs :  Write question and answer in pg 21 #3.  Practice out loud 15 minutes each day and get 2 adult “witness” signatures!  Practice:  numbers 0-60, hellos/goodbyes, how are you, name alphabet, weather, date, days of the week, months, nationality, where you are from).

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mercredi 18/09

Today in class we continued to work on the date, alphabet and weather.  We learned the days of the week and began learning how to talk about nationalities.  We discussed some French geography (regions, surrounding countries, cities) and learned numbers up to 60.  We also did a scavenger hunt with the text book in order to get to know it better.

A Faire:  Book scavenger hunt

Handouts:  Scavenger hunt/numbers, Feuille de la semaine 2

Devoirs:  pg 25 #3 (write out the numbers, in words, on the lottery tickets and say out loud), practice numbers 0-60