Friday, December 20, 2013

Semaine de 16/12-20/12

Lundi 16/12:  Today, with a substitute, we practiced adjectives (describing words).  We did “feuille de la semaine” questions as well.

A Faire:  adjective/name acrostic.  On a piece of plain white paper, write name then add…
*use at least 8 adjectives to describe yourself
*Make adjective agreements when necessary!!
*Must color
*Must write legibly/be able to clearly read name/adjectives
*Can decorate
*Can use first/middle/last names
*Can build only on name or off other adjectives too.
*W, K are almost impossible…can use a noun if you insist on using these letters.

Handouts:  Adjective handout

Devoirs:  Finish acrostic, pg 139 #1 (write a sentence saying if the person is/isn’t the adjective given, make agreements! If you don’t know the person, choose some other famous person to describe.)

Mercredi 18/12: Today, with a substitute, we practiced more adjectives and vocabulary from “feuille de la semaine” in writing and out loud.

A Faire:  feuille de la semaine” questions, practice in partners

TEC:  Choose 3 people in your life to describe.  Use adjective handout, vocab in notes, sheets of the week, and text book as resources.      
Must include for each person: (in complete sentences)
-basic information like name, age, relationship to you (family, friend, classmate?)  Option to include nationality or other things.
-describe the person physically using adjectives; include hair color, height (see sheet of the week) and at least 2 others.
-describe the person’s personality using a minimum of 2 adjectives from “feuille de la semaine” #14/15 and at least 2 others of your choice (see book/adjective handout)
-3 things the person likes/doesn’t like to do and where
-picture of the person (drawn, cut out, printed) with attributes or symbols representing all the sentences written.
*Do on white printer paper. Put all 3 pics of people on front and writing on back (but must not show through!!!) 

Devoirs:   Finish Travail en Classe, be ready to turn it in !

Vendredi 20/12: Today we watched the movie Yamakasi and turned in the descriptions of the 3 people.

Devoirs:  Watch a French movie (not an American movie dubbed in French !).  It must be in French and you may of course use English subtitles.  Write a summary of the film (at least 1 large paragraph) and another paragraph as a review of the film (was it good/bad/interesting/etc? why?  Did you like it? Why? Would you recommend it? Why/for whom?).

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Vendredi 13/12

Today we went over the new vocab on the feuille de la semaine, practiced using adjectives and learned about some common classroom commands on a PowerPoint.
A Faire:  pg 139 #2 (Write a short description of each person using the picture shown and the following the model.  Describe the person with at least 2 adjectives)

Handouts:  feuille de la semaine 14/15

TEC:  Take notes over PowerPoint  (Click here for it!)

Devoirs:  Write 10 sentences, double spaced, using “Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas faire” side of handout (front). Vary the expressions you use to start your sentences.  At least 7 sentences must include “où”, “avec qui” or both!  *Handout given out on Monday.

Reminder:  I will not be available in Tutorial on Tuesday!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Lundi 09/12

Today we asked classmates questions 7-10 of the Thanksgiving survey, and practiced saying where people are using new places vocab.

A Faire:  Write a 1 sentence answer to the question on each slide of the PowerPoint.

DevoirsWrite 10 sentences, double spaced, using “Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire” side of handout. Vary the expressions you use to start your sentences.  At least 7 sentences must include “où”, “avec qui” or both!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Vendredi 06/12

With a substitute today, students learned new places vocabulary (2nd column of feuille de la semaine) and did some oral practice.  Then made a mini-vocabulary book.  
A Faire:  make « une livrette de vocabulaire: les endroits »  Put 3 pieces of white paper together, fold into ¼ (half then half).  Staple along long side.  Cut connected pages (scissors in cupboard by closet).  Criteria/Must have:
a.       Title « une livrette de vocabulaire: les endroits”  and name on front. 
b. Each new “places” vocab word (sheet of the week) on its own page with word written legibly and big enough to read clearly. *You can choose your own “à + proper name, doesn’t have to be Paris 
c.       Image to represent the meaning 
d.      A complete sentence using place.  You could write:  what you/family/friends do at each place, what they/family/friends like/can/must do there.  Be creative with what you know how to say/write! 
e.       Color and decorate as you like!

Devoirs:  Finish “livrette de vocabulaire” to turn in on Monday.  Do “feuille de la semaine” questions for vendredi.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mercredi 04/12

Today we practiced some new vocabulary (1st column of feuille de la semaine) particularly “tu connais…?" (see PowerPoint-click here).  We also listened to our song.
A Faire:  pg 42 #2 (write question with le/la instead of un/une and a yes answer for each.

Devoirs:  weather crossword and questions on back of feuille de la semaine for mercredi

Monday, December 2, 2013

Lundi 02/12

Today we reviewed some questions and vocabulary.  We also started a survey.

A Faire:  write the questions and your answers to the questions for 1-6 on the “sondage”.

Devoirs:  write the questions and your answers to the questions for 7-10 on the “sondage”.