Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Mercredi 26/02

Today we practiced Question list #1/projects and “qu’est-ce que c’est?”/“les objets”.  We also learned a new verb, avoir, and the conjugation song.

A Faire:  reading pg 148 (en partenaire)
-Each partner reads either Caroline or Jean-Pierre out loud
-Go through and make sure you understand the meaning of each sentence
-Read/take notes on the “note culturelle” pg 149
-Write answers to the questions de comprehension pg 148 in complete sentences in French.
check verb conjugations!!

Devoirs :  pg 150 #1 (choose which car each person has based on where they live/are from), pg 150 #2 (write the ages of the people listed—if you don’t know, guess!) practice Question list #1, practice project (Interviews start Friday!!)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Lundi 24/02

Today we practiced question list #1, talked about oral interviews (starting Friday!!) and began working more with the verb avoir (to have, j’ai…).

A Faire:  pg 149 (Et toi?)  Complete the sentences saying what you have and what a friend has too.  Must write complete sentences!!

Handouts/Class Materials:  feuille de la semaine 23, visual dictionary paper

Devoirs:   notes over vocab (objets/tu dis) pg 83, add 8 new entries from this page to visual dictionary (must have a picture and a sentence on the same side) *You may do flashcards instead if you like, just put sentence on the back and not on the front. Practice Question list #1 out loud, practice project (be able to talk about it without reading!!).

Friday, February 21, 2014

Vendredi 21/02

Today we practiced projects/question list #1 and did a culture lesson on France and the culture of protest.

Handouts/Class Materials:  La France et la culture de manifester (PowerPoint)

A Faire:  Take notes over PowerPoint, make sure to note the underlined terms!

Devoirs :  Practice Question list #1 outloud, practice project (be able to talk about it without reading!!), pg 143 #5 (complete sentences and don’t forget the articles!), 1 page reflection on PowerPoint (see last slide)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mercredi 19/02

Today we practiced Question list #1, some object vocabulary and our fenêtre projects.

A Faire:  Front side of handout (write in complete sentences!)

Handouts/Class Materials: A Faire/Devoirs

Devoirs Back side of handout,  make 8 more flashcards from pg 142 (pic on front, sentence on back), practice Question list #1, practice project (be able to talk about it without reading!!)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Vendredi 14/02

Today we practiced using “Qu’est-ce que c’est? C’est…” with the new vocabulary on pg 140.  Then we worked on the object vocabulary on pg 142 including “Est-ce que tu as…? J’ai…” and the verb “marcher”.  We discussed the fenetre project and how to prepare for the oral interview.  Then we learned some Valentine vocab in French!

A Faire:  pg 143 #8 (say that you have the item, then whether or not it works based on the picture)

TEC:  Crossword St. Valentin

Devoirs :  Practice Question list #1 out loud, pg 143 #7 (questions and answers), practice project (be able to talk about it without reading!!)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Mercredi 12/02

Today we practiced the vocab pg 140 and learned “je sais” and “je ne sais pas”.

A Faire:  Choose 8 objects from pg 142 (or from the PowerPoint) and make flashcards with them.  Picture on the front (no words), sentence saying (“it is a…”/”c’est..”) on the back.

Handouts/Class Materials: Qu’est-ce que c’est? (PowerPoint)

Devoirs :  pg 143 #6 (complete sentences!), final typed draft of at least 37 project sentences. Bring 2 copies, 1 for me, 1 for you to use in class! Visual if not already turned in.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mercredi 05/02

Today in class we practiced some new vocabulary and continued working on être.

A Faire:  pg 99 #2

Devoirs :  pg 104 #2, study/take notes pg 140

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Lundi 03/01

Today we practiced être with some speaking, singing (there is a song !), and writing activities.  We turned in the last rough draft sentences for the ma fênetre project.

Handouts/Class Materials:  feuille de la semaine 20

A Faire:  pg 102 #8

Devoirs:  pg 103 #9 & #10, have your project visual ready to turn in! (4 quadrants labeled with at least 10 pic in each, no words other than titles!!)