Today we
practiced RE verb conjugations, reviewed à + le/la/l’/les, used our
neighborhood maps to practice giving directions.
A Faire: pg 281 #10 (for each one, anwer the question
by replacing the « qui » in your answer with the subjects in
partentheses and changing the verb conjugation as appropriate. Make at least one sentence negative—ne…pas
around the verb).
Handouts/Class Materials: ER/RE Review
Devoirs : pg 281 #11 (choose the verb that fits the
meaning of the sentence and conjugate it appropriately for the subject), ER/RE
Review Front side only( #1: conjugate the verbs for the following subjects… 1.
Je 2. Tu
3. Il 4. Nous 5. Vous
6. Elles -and- use the places from the box. #2: conjugate the verb “vendre” correctly and
say which object they buy—see pics) For
Loto next week, study: object/room
vocabulary and ER/IR/RE verb vocab (see pgs 280, 268, 109)