Today in class we did a lot of review, took a quiz and started learning to tell
time in French.
Handouts: Feuille de vocabulaire #4
Handouts: Feuille de vocabulaire #4
A Faire: pg 27 #1 (use expressions for time of day in your
responses for 1-5)
Travail en Classe: pg 94 #9 (orally)
Devoirs : pg
27 #2 (write both parts, Phillipe: time on the clock, Isabelle: “mais, non…”
and the correct time—1 hour later because of daylight savings!),
practice/review numbers in writing and speaking, write 5 invitations using new activity
vocab from Feuille #4 and write 3 regrets/declines with excuses (maybe use new
expressions on feuille?) for use in class on Monday!!