Monday, March 30, 2015

Lundi 30/03

Today we talked about our vacations, reviewed “il y a/il n’y a pas”, articles (un/une/des/de) and some object vocabulary.

A Fairepg 159 #4 (write what there is on Friday—19 things—and what there isn’t Saturday—7 things!)

Devoirs :  pg 159 #5 (for each bullet point/circumstance, imagine or use your own experience to say at least 2 things there are and 1 thing there isn’t in each context.  Make sure to write complete sentences!)  Start to study for test coming soon!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Vendredi 20/03

Today we practiced ordering food and food/drink vocab.  We also reviewed the expression “il y a/il n’y a pas”, articles (un/une/des/de) and some object vocabulary.  Then we started reviewing for the test we will have after break.

A Faire:  pg 155 #11 (write answers and do orally in partners)

Devoirs : Visual dictionary for drink vocab pg 63 + “de l’eau” (total of 10, remember to do image and French sentence, NO English!), finish packet Leçon 9-10, Study for test we will have after break (verbs, vocabulary, expressions!)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mercredi 18/03

Today we continued practicing food/drink vocabulary and ordering things politely.  We also reviewed the idea that “un/une/des” become “de” after “pas” (in a negative sentence).  We did a lot of oral practice in partners and as a class.

This is the dialogue model I gave in class today:
      A-    Monsieur/Madame/Mademoiselle, s’il vous plaît !
      B-    Vous désirez ?
      A-    Je voudrais/Donnez-moi _________ SVP.
      B-    Et avec ça ?
      A-    Donnez-moi ______ SVP. Merci !  –or- C’est tout, merci !
      B-    Très bien Monsieur/Madame/Mademoiselle…

Handouts:  Leçon 9-10 packet

A Fairepg 65 #3—order politely using “donnez-moi” (the formal version of “donne-moi”) and “S’il vous plaît”.

Travail en Classe:  pg 154 #9 (write answers only), Orally do: pg 150 #3, 64 #2 (but use dialogue model given in class today)

Devoirs : 1st page front and back of Leçon 9-10 packet, pg 154 #10 (Say the people don’t have the things in parentheses, use different conjugations of avoir depending on who you’re talking about)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Lundi 16/03

Today we did more practice with our new food vocabulary and learned the expression “avoir soif” (to be thirsty) as well as some drink vocabulary.

A Faire:  pg 61 #3 (orally in partners), pg 61 #4 (use “je voudrais”/”donne-moi” and “S’il vous plaît”!)

Devoirs :  pg 64 #1—write questions only using “est-ce que”, pg 64 #2 (order politely!!)


Friday, March 13, 2015

Vendredi 13/03

We reviewed “avoir” and talking about the ages of ourselves and others.  We participated in mini-conversation groups using pg 122 #6 and learned some new vocabulary about food and how talk about being hungry.

A Faire:  pg 60 #2—say “I’m hungry, ask for what you want, and say please at the end.  Do visual dictionary for the food vocab pg 59—must have an image and a sentence!  Consider using adorer/aimer/manger/veux/détester/etc. in your sentences and also talk about other people (EX: My mom eats salad)

TECHave a conversation in a small group using pg 122 #6.  Take turns asking each of the questions and answering in French.  Keep notes about your findings (you’ll need them for the homework!)

Devoirs pg 122 #7—put together questions and answers (the question word is on top/answer info is on bottom of image), Write some (12-address all!) sentences summarizing findings from group sondage.  Write using names of people (il/elle, ils/elles conjugations), if you were the only person that did something, write about yourself (je form), and if there are things you and other group members did (use nous form!)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Mercredi 11/03

Today we practiced asking/answering questions, making questions using “qui”, and learned the verb “avoir” (to have).  We practiced adjective vocabulary as well.

A Faire:  pg 122 #6 (questions only)

Travail en Classe:  Write sentences describing how old the following people are…use the expression “avoir # ans”, the appropriate conjugation of avoir, and write out numbers in words):
1984 (vous), 1925 (nous), 1991 (ils), 1968 (tu), 1943 (elle)

Devoirs : pg 122 #6 (prepare your answers (affirmative/negative) to the questions you wrote in the A Faire—be ready to ask/answer in class!), pg 153 #7 (follow the model, use nous/vous forms of avoir and the article “des”—plural of un/une), study verbs/vocab (test coming soon!)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Lundi 09/03

Today we reviewed making questions and practiced using “Qu’est-ce que” to find out “what” people do.  We also did lots of oral practice and a reading comprehension activity.

A Fairepg 148—read the text and answer the comprehension questions in complete sentences.  Turn in to Madame Reid!!!

Travail en Classe (TEC):  Orally…pg 121 #4 (1-4) and pg 121 #2

Devoirs :  pg 121 #4 (5-8 only, complete sentences!), pg 123 #8 (questions only, write 1 question for each person in column and for each verb, 10 total!)

Friday, March 6, 2015

Vendredi 06/03

Today we reviewed the verb “être”, learned how to form information questions, practiced our phone conversations and then presented them to the class.  We also listened to our songsJ

A Fairepg 121 #1—write questions and the answer, do orally in partners

Devoirs pg 121 #2 (questions and answers—using words in parenthess), 121 #4 (1-4 only, complete sentences!), Study verbs!! (Pop quiz coming...)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mercredi 04/03

Today we did some review and then started a mini-project with phone conversations.

Handouts:  Au téléphone

A Faire:  pg pg 103 #9—rewrite the sentence and fill in the blank with the appropriate “mot utile” from the choices given.

Travail en Classe:  Au téléphone—practice the dialogues in partners.  Then get in a group of 2-3 people and write your own original phone conversation using the “bones” of mine.  Make sure each person has an equal number of lines and you stick to vocab we’ve been using in class.  We will present these in class on Friday!

Devoirs : Study verbs and practice your phone conversation out loud.  Do the back of the “au téléphone” handout (can answer in English), and review ER verbs with pg 111 #7 (find the clock that reads the same time and write the sentence using the activity pictured).

Monday, March 2, 2015

Lundi 02/03

Today we did some oral practice with our expression “être d’accord”, and with conjugating être and places vocabulary.

A Fairepg 104 #1 –write out the questions and answers that match (no letters/numbers), use clues in the questions and answers if you don’t understand the meanings!

Travail en Classe (TEC):  Write a sentence for each slide saying where the people (subject given) are based on the image shown for the place.  In some cases, there may be more than 1 response possible!

Devoirs :  pg 105 #5 (in your cahier, write where you are and are not for the times given—including the example time—à neuf heures du matin!), pg 104 #2 (use the subjects and images given to say where the people are) Study être and ER verbs...POP quiz coming over meaning and conjugations!!