Thursday, May 26, 2016

Jeudi 26/05

We practiced talking about our house/apartments and learned some vocabulary for places in our city/neighborhood.

ObjectifStudents will describe their house and learn about places in town

A Faire:   pg 195 #7 (say whether these places are upstairs or downstairs)

TEC:  Take notes over “Ma Ville” PowerPoint

Photocopies :  PowerPoint : Ma Ville

Devoirs :  Mon dictionnaire “faire expressions”, pg 192 #3 (say whether it is/isn’t in your neighborhood, if it is, give the name, follow examples, and use correct articles!)  Start thinking about your final project…designing dream house, neighborhood & city.  What will you want to include?? *we’ll work in class on Tuesday…

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Mardi 24/05

Today we had a substitute and did the STAMP test (language proficiency test). 

ObjectifStudents will complete STAMP testing

TEC/Devoirs :  Add « faire expressions » from handout to « mon dictionnaire » (on back of handout), pg 195 #8 (for the given people, write a sentence stating where they are in/around the house doing the activity listed.  Follow this pattern: subject + conjugation of être + “dans” + place in/around house)

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


        1.    Click on this link to access the test:

             STAMP TEST

              2.    Enter the following info and then log in:

      Test code: 


      Login name:  class period + first initial + last name (all one word!)

              3.    Click the RED BUTTON for Reading/Writing.  DO NOT CLICK THE YELLOW BUTTON OR YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THE TEST!!


*Let me know when your computer says you’ve completed the test.  I will help you

log off.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Vendredi 20/05

We practiced some new faire expressions, went over homework, and got some new vocabulary for rooms and house related things.

ObjectifStudents will learn some expressions with faire and house vocabulary

A Faire:   Using the subject, faire expressions and places, put together some logical sentences.  Watch your conjugations!!

*au parc, à la montagne, à la maison, dans mon quartier (in my neighborhood), au centre commercial (at the mall)

         1.      Nous/Faire un pique-nique
         2.      Elle/Faire du ski
         3.      Ils/Faire du piano
         4.      Je/Faire du vélo
         5.      Vous/Faire des achats

TEC:  Take notes over PowerPoint

Devoirs :  pg 195 #6 (complete the sentences/write whole sentence, give all possible answers for #6 & #8), front side of reading comprehension handout (“Conversation,” answer questions in English)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Mercredi 18/05

We reviewed some object vocabulary and prepositions of place orally then learned some fixed expressions with the verb “faire”.  We also did a “scavenger hunt” for hidden objects in the classroom and described their locations using prepositions.  We turned this in as a formative assessment.

ObjectifStudents will learn some expressions with the verb “faire.”

A Faire:   pg 124 #10.  Write a sentence about the people given using a logical “faire” expression.

TEC:  La chasse au trésor (scavenger hunt)  *See Mme. Reid

Photocopies :  Faire/Article practice

Devoirs :  Faire/article handout #4 (« Conversations ») and #3 (back, « Quel article ? ») *Not #3 "Curiosite", Study verbs and vocab !

Monday, May 16, 2016

Lundi 16/05

We reviewed some object vocabulary and prepositions of place (and some familiar question/answer formats), we learned a new verb (faire) and had some time to practice conjugations with a dice game.

ObjectifStudents will learn the verb “faire.”

A Faire:   pg 146 #13 (write responses to the question “Où est….? using il/elle to replace the object)

TEC:  pg 124 #9 (rewrite the whole sentence with the correct conjugation of “faire”)

Devoirs :  pg 147 #2 (write both sides of conversation, use familiar questions/responses, they’ve given you some helpful vocab!)  Study verbs/vocab!!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Jeudi 12/05

We practiced saying what we have and don’t have “any” of, reviewed “Il y a” and “Est-ce qu’il y a…?,” learned “Qu’est-ce qu’il y a…?”, a few new objects and prepositions of place (in, under, on, in front of, behind…see pg 144!).  We also took a quiz at the end of class.

ObjectifStudents will learn prepositions of place.

A Faire:   pg 145 #9 orally, pg 145 #11 (“in” the chair, “in front of” the window)

TEC:  pg 155 #11 (write the questions and the answers)

Devoirs :  pg 145 #12 (put together some silly sentences using “il y a” and the information from columns A & B), continue to study object vocab (particularly articles!!) and verbs (ER, Avoir, Etre) *We are adding new verbs next week!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mardi 10/05

Today, we reviewed objects, learned how to distinguish between 2 kinds of articles and write nouns in singular vs. plural forms.  We also learned the expression “il y a” 

ObjectifStudents will practice articles in both singular and plural forms.

A Faire:   pg 153 #6—rewrite each singular noun as plural.

TEC:  pg 155 #11 (write the questions and the answers)

Devoirs :  pg 154 #10 (say what they don’t have, in parentheses, make sure you use correct conjugation of avoir & negative article!), quiz next class over object vocab and verbs (ER, Avoir, Etre)  


Friday, May 6, 2016

Vendredi 06/05

We reviewed objects/vocab and new expressions as well as verbs.  We also reviewed making questions and adjectives. 

ObjectifStudents will review recent vocabulary and structures.

A Faire:   pg 172 #2 (write out questions and responses)

TEC:  worksheet (adjectives/questions) #3  *handed out 4/12/16

Devoirs :  pg 154 #9 (write out questions et your responses!), quiz next class over object vocab and verbs (ER, Avoir, Etre)  

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Mercredi 04/05

Today we learned a few new objects, practiced our vocab pg 140 (including new expressions) and learned how to say things are working well or not.  We also looked at our tests and learned how to have the retake option.

ObjectifStudents will be able to say how well objects work

A Faire:   PowerPoint:  Qu’est-ce que c’est?...  Write the answer to this question for each image given !  *Take notes over 7 new objects at the end!!

TEC:  PowerPoint: Marcher bien?  Say that you have each object in the picture, then say whether it works well or not.

Devoirs :  pg 143 #8 (exactly like TEC), add 7 new objects to mon dictionnaire, study object vocab (quiz VERY soon !), finish Loto board for class on Friday.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Lundi 02/05

We practiced saying what we have using our new object vocabulary.  We also learned about classroom objects.  We listened to “Je Veux” and “Sympathique.” 

ObjectifStudents will learn classroom objects.

A Faire:   pg 143 #6, responses !

TEC:  Take notes over PowerPoint then add 21 new vocab words to “Mon dictionnaire”

Devoirs :  pg 141 #3 (answer questions “Qu’est-ce que c’est?”), Mon dictionnaire x 21 (PowerPoint) & x 10 (pg 140, only the new ones!) = 31 total new entries !