Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Lundi 06/06

Today, we reviewed some vocabulary and then worked on projects. 

ObjectifStudents will review vocabulary and will work on final project.

TEC:  Project work time

Devoirs :  Final project due by Wed, June 8 @ 1:30 pm.  No project will be accepted after this time, NO EXCEPTIONS!!  Be sure to review criteria and format expectations!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Jeudi 02/06

We went over the results of the STAMP test, learned to ask for and give directions, and worked on the writing portion of the project.

ObjectifStudents will learn to ask for/give directions and work on final project.

A Faire:   pg 193 #5

TEC:  Project work time

Devoirs :  Finalize visual, Do most of project writing (bring questions and identify areas you need support in for next class!)  Missing work (due by Monday!!)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Mardi 31/05

Today, we learned to give addresses and started our final project 

ObjectifStudents will be able to give their address and will start final project.

A Faire:   pg 192 #4 (Write questions for Pauline using the appropriate vocabulary)

TEC:  Project work time

Devoirs :  Work on project visual (You should have decided on and represented all the places in your city/neighborhood and the rooms/features of your dream house.  Be ready to start writing about them in class after we go over writing criteria!!)