Friday, December 18, 2015

Vendredi 18/12

Today we practiced talking about if we like this or that and also if we prefer this or that (activity or pet).  We continued watching our film and family tree interviews.

ObjectifStudents will be able to talk about what activities they prefer.

A Faire:  Write a sentence saying which of the activities you prefer from each slide in the PowerPoint.  Follow the model:  Je préfère _____

TEC:  Watch the film and complete the film activities.

Devoirspg 92 #4 (write question about 1st half of pic “Do you like …”, then say “but I prefer” about the 2nd half) Practice verb vocabulary from pg 90-91 (for pronunciation and meaning) also questions/vocabulary from Feuille #1 & #2.  


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Mercredi 16/12

We learned how to say we like and don’t like doing certain activities.  We started a film while Mme. Reid continued family tree interviews.

ObjectifStudents will learn to say what they like and dislike doing.

TEC:  Watch the film and complete the film activities.

Handouts :  Film Activities

Devoirs:  pg 92 #2 (Write whether you like or dislike doing the activities given, practice out loud), practice verbs pg 90-91 out loud for pronunciation and for meaning.


All exams must be taken before break if you missed it in class.  Tutorial was today for ALL teachers.  If you didn't do it in tutorial you will need to make an appointment, in ADVANCE, for some other time!  You’ve known about this test since before Thanksgiving!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Lundi 14/12

We did a little review, had some times to ask questions and then took our test.

ObjectifStudents will demonstrate knowledge on an exam.

A Faire:  pg 30 #1

Handouts :  Mon Dictionnaire

Devoirs:  Practice/bring Family tree EVERY DAY (if you haven’t yet interviewed) !  Add 18 verbs (the ones with pics) on pgs 90-91 to “mon dictionnaire” (French word + image, no English definitions!)



All exams must be taken before break if you missed it in class.  Tutorial is Wednesday for ALL teachers so plan accordingly!  If you cannot do it in tutorial you will need to make an appointment, in ADVANCE, for some other time!  You’ve known about this test since before Thanksgiving!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Jeudi 10/12

We had some practice time then worked on a culture activity and review packet while Madame Reid did interviews.

ObjectifStudents will learn about French speaking countries

TEC (Travail en Classe) Brochure activity (skip question #8!) and review packet (see handouts!)

DevoirsFinish brochure activity (In complete sentences in English, on separate sheet of paper for turn in!) and do/finish review packet.  Study for test Monday!!  Bring questions you would like answered before the test to class Monday

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Mardi 08/12

Today, we did some review with “Feuille #1” and the old dialogue.  We did some more practice with time and saying we have an appointment.  We practiced family trees and started our oral interviews.

ObjectifStudents will introduce and give information about family members

A Faire:  pg 29 #5 (write the mini-dialogues for each entry in the notebook.)

TEC (Travail en Classe)Family packet—we worked on this during oral interviews.

DevoirsFinish “family packet” (TEC) and do pg 30 #3 (write out both sides of the dialogue using the prompts given.)

Friday, December 4, 2015

Vendredi 04/12

We practiced family trees in preparation for our interviews next week.  We also continued to practice telling time, in particular, using the 24h clock to distinguish between am/pm and how to ask and say when something starts.

ObjectifStudents will be able to ask for and give the time designating am/pm

A Faire:  pg 29 #4—write question and answer (time in words, practice orally in partners.

TEC (Travail en Classe):  See handout---Write French notation and sentences for time given on the front of one paper (A or B).  Using the clocks in class, quiz your partner on the times you prepared (show them on the clock and ask “Quelle heure est-il?”).  When your partner quizzes you, write the times you say in French notation on the back of your paper.

Devoirs :  pg 29 #6 (Write answers only following this pattern: Le train de _(city)_ est à _(time in words), Write out the times you wrote down from your partner during the TEC (or look at the opposite paper and write them out from there.), practice family tree (interviews start next week!). Summative test on the 14th!!  Study/review by using blog and (choose French and practice numbers/letters!)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Mardi 02/12

We went over some homework/A Faire and practiced talking about people (name/age/where from/nationality).  We continued to work on telling time.

ObjectifStudents will be able to ask for and give the time

A Fairepg 27 #2 – Write both Isabelle and Phillipe’s parts.  Phillips says the time on the watch and Isabelle says it’s one hour later.

Devoirs :  pg 29 #3 (write out times using expressions for ¼, ½ and ¾ hours!), write out the times given below using the expressions for am/pm as well.  Take notes pg 28 yellow box, practice family tree and study for summative test (before Winter Break).

     1.      7h30am
     2.      4h45pm
     3.      11h15am
     4.      1h05pm
     5.      8h25am

Monday, November 30, 2015

Lundi 30/11

Today we learned some Thanksgiving food vocabulary and how to say we like and don’t like eating certain things.  We also practiced writing name, age, nationality, city & country people are from (and brushing up on some geography as well!) At the end of class, we started learning to tell time.

Objectif:  Students will be able to share about what Thanksgiving foods they like/dislike.

A FaireSee handout and read directions carefully. You should have 5 sentences for each person!

TEC (Travail en Classe)Take notes over the PowerPoint vocabulary, practicing saying what you like/don’t like to eat out loud.

Devoirs :  Bring Family tree EVERY DAY for practice !  Add Thanksgiving food vocab + “I like to eat..” and “I don’t like to eat..”,  to Mon Dictionnaire (French word/phrase and a picture, no English definition!!) pg 27 #1 (write out time in complete sentence/words, add a time of day for practice!)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Mardi 24/11

We did some oral practice/review of familiar identity questions, practiced writing about the identities of others, went over some homework and practiced family trees.

ObjectifStudents will be able to express the nationality and where others are from.

A FaireSee handout and read directions carefully. You should have 5 sentences for each person!

TEC (Travail en Classe)52 #3 out loud in partners, practice family tree using the following questions:  Qui est-ce?  Comment s’appelle-t-il/elle?  Quel âge a-t-il/elle ? Ton/ta___ est de la France ?    Il/elle est français(e) ?

Devoirs :  Finish “A Faire”, practice family tree (use questions from TEC!), write project sentences (Due Monday! Must be typed or neatly written in PEN!  Should alternate using the introduction sentences on the project handout for each person and write a sentence giving the age of each.  To exceed the minimum requirements you could also include: nationality, country, relationships to others, etc.)

Friday, November 20, 2015

Vendredi 20/11

We continued practicing what country we are from and began describing where others are from.  We practiced talking about families, learned about the difference between animal sounds in English/French, and finished our game of Loto.

ObjectifStudents will be able to introduce family members and give ages.

A Faire:  Write a sentence saying which country each person is from.
1.                  Elizabeth est de Londres.
2.                  José est de Puerto Vallarta.
3.                  Dikembe (m.) est de Brazzaville.
4.                  Sophie est de Marseille.
5.                  Samuel est de Dallas.
6.                  Marie est de Berlin.
7.                  Charles est de Liverpool.
8.                  Tatiana est de Chicago.
9.                  Antonio est de Rome.
10.              Kazuko (f.) est de Tokyo.

TEC (Travail en Classe):  1) Take notes over PowerPoint, 2) practice using family tree to introduce family members and give ages.  Use these questions and answers:
Qui est-ce?   Voici _(Anne)_, c’est _(ma mère)_.  -or-   Voici _(ma mère)_, elle s’appelle (Anne)
Quel âge a-t-il ?/Quel âge a-t-elle ?                 Il/Elle a _#_ ans.

Devoirs :  pg 52 #2 (write a complete answer), pg 54-Give English equivalents of sounds, pg 55-match sound to picture and give English equivalents. Practice numbers/questions/vocab (mini-quiz on Tue!!)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Mercredi 18/11

We discussed family relationships using Mme. Reid’s family tree and reviewed the criteria for the family tree project.  We also learned how to say what country we are from and some vocabulary for other countries so we can express where others are from.  We paid particular attention to the differences between how to day we are from a city versus a country.  We started a “Loto” game using vocab for people/family.

ObjectifStudents will be able to express the country they are from.

A Faire:  Write a complete sentence answer to each of the questions using Mme. Reid’s family tree.  Follow the model: “_nom1_ est le/la/l’ _(relationship)_ de _nom2_”)

Larry (nom2)
            1.      Qui est Patty (nom1) ?      
          2.  Qui est Jarrett ?                  
          3.  Qui est Julie ?
      4.   Qui est Jacob ?                        
      5.  Qui est Mme. Reid ?
      6.  Qui est Charles ?                      
      7.  Qui est Arianne ?               
      8.  Qui est Anne ?

Devoirs :  Use « l’arbre généalogique de Mme. Reid » to answer questions on the back (use the same sentence structure as the A Faire !), Final visual for family tree project 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Lundi 16/11

We practiced talking about the ages of family members as well as their nationality and where they are from.  We learned about our new project and discussed what happened in France over the weekend and saw some related videos.

ObjectifStudents will be able to express the nationality and where others are from.

TEC (Travail en Classe):  We made symbols of solidarity for Paris

Handouts :  Project: L’Arbre Généalogique, *See Grant High School French on Facebook for the videos!

Devoirs :  pg 52 #3 (use the prompts to write out both sides of the dialogue, use vocab we’ve been studying!!), start visual only for family tree project (visual due Friday!)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Jeudi 12/11

We listened and sang our song, reviewed some family vocabulary words and learned some new ones, practiced describing the relationships in families and went over some homework.

ObjectifStudents will be able to describe family relationships.

A Faire:  Write 10 sentences describing the relationships of people from Harry Potter (see PowerPoint!)

TEC (Travail en Classe):  Practice out loud and take notes over PowerPoint…Keep track of the new vocabulary!

Devoirs :  Duck family handout (write 10 sentences using a variety of vocabulary to describe relationships in the family.  Use the model:  “_nom1_ est le/la/l’ _(relationship)_ de _nom2_”), pg 53 #6 (write out numbers in words and say out loud)  PRACTICE OUT LOUD!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Lundi 09/11

Today, we got new seats and used our French questions/knowledge to get to know each other.  We continued practicing talking about family and the ages of others.   We also learned about pets and how to say if we have or don’t have one.

ObjectifStudents will be able to express the ages of others.

A Faire:  pg 53 #4  Imagine ths is your family.  Introduce each person (Voici ma mère) and say how old they are using the ages given (Elle a cinquante ans).  Write numbers out in words!

TEC (Travail en Classe)Take notes over PowerPoint… Keep track of animal vocabulary and write your answer to the question on each slide.

Devoirs :  pg 52 #1 (Check your knowledge so far…choose the correct response for each question), 47 #5—write question (use ton/ta) and answer (use mon/ma)! If you don’t know make it up! Write out numbers! We will share out in class!!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Jeudi 05/11

Today, we reviewed our new questions (Quelle est ta nationalité?  Tu es d’où?), practiced talking about family and learned how to give the ages of others.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use the appropriate forms of my/yours to talk about relationships.

A Fairepg 46 #2

Devoirs :  pg 42 # 1 (write question « Qui est … ? with each person given but change un/une to le/la/l’), pg 47 #4 (Write question and answer. Write out all numbers!)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Mardi 03/11

We learned new ways to ask familiar questions (Quelle est ta nationalité?  Tu es d’où?), discussed the historical and cultural significance of the “l’Avenue des Champs-Élysées”, listened to our song, and then learned some family vocab (pg 37).

ObjectifStudents will be able to make language and cultural connections between our song and places in Paris.

TEC (Travail en Classe)Take notes over “l’Avenue des Champs-Élysées” (if absent, copy notes from another student

Devoirs :  pg 46 #1 (use “voici” and “mon/ma” to introduce the people listed.  Be sure to choose appropriately between m/f), Sketch a family tree with 10 people (stick to vocab we have for now!), give names only and show relationship lines. Practice introducing people using “voici” and “mon/ma.” We will use this in class!!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Mardi 29/10

We reviewed and practiced the vocabulary from pg 37, corrected quizzes in order to learn from mistakes/earn some points back, and did a Halloween vocabulary activity.

ObjectifStudents will be able to respond appropriately to the question “Who is it?”

TEC (Travail en Classe)Quiz corrections, Halloween word search

Devoirs :  Study/practice out loud!!  Quarter 1 check in (write complete explanations), Unité 2 leçon 5 handout (front and back), Halloween word search (if not complete in class)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Mardi 27/10

We did some review and went over how to use the vocabulary on pg 37.  We also took a Quiz.

ObjectifStudents will be able to identify people

TEC (Travail en Classe)Oral practice in partners…pg 42 #2, pg 43 #4

Devoirs : Practice out loud !! pg 38 #3 (write whole sentence with un/une as appropriate), pg 39 #4 (write the dialogue given in the example for each of the pictures) 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Mardi 20/10

Today we worked on a packet about common classroom vocabulary while Madame Reid listened to dialogue presentations and did the question portion of the oral test.

ObjectifStudents will be able to identify common classroom objects.

TEC (Travail en Classe)1) practice dialogue and questions, 2) use vocab on front page of packet to complete the activities in the packet, 3) work on missing French work/play “Cent”

Devoirs :  Take notes over pg 37 yellow box and blue “note culturelle”, Do leçon 1A & C worksheets (front and back), study and practice for quiz #2 mardi (feuille #1, plus ph #, nationality, names of others, tu connais..?, numbers, alphabet, vocab from packets)

Friday, October 16, 2015

Vendredi 16/10

Today we worked on a packet and played a game while Madame Reid did the question portion of the oral test.

ObjectifStudents will review greetings/salutations and numbers.

TEC (Travail en Classe)1) practice dialogue and questions, 2) use vocab on front page of packet to complete the activities in the packet.  3) play “Cent”

Devoirs :  finish greetings and Salutations packet, worksheet leçon 1B (front/back), study/practice out loud, 4th periodLeçon 8/phone numbers handout (front and back!)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Lundi 12/10

Today we learned how to describe the nationalities of others along with giving their name and say whether or not we know someone.  We also had some practice time.

ObjectifStudents will be able to name and describe the nationality of others.

A Faire:  PowerPoint:  Nom/Nationalité… use the model sentences to write answers to the question asked.

TEC (Travail en Classe)PowerPoint:  Tu connais…?... Follow the examples on the first 2 slides to answer about who you know and don’t know (recognize).

Devoirs :  pg 42 #2 (Write the question and the answer! Follow the model!), pg 43 #4 (Give the nationality for each person in a sentence, follow the model, google anyone you don’t know or use the name as a clue), Study and practice out loud for oral test on Friday!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Mercredi 07/10

We practiced saying today/tomorrow/yesterday, our phone numbers and learned how to talk about the names of others.  We also had time to practice the dialogue in partners (you must know the dialogue by heart for the oral test!  I will give you an English prompt if needed but you must understand what you are saying!!)

ObjectifStudents will be able to ask for the names of others

A Faire:  Pg 43 #5—Area codes in France are 4 digits.  Write the name of each city and then the area code in words.  Write it exactly the way we write phone numbers in French you just don’t have the whole number.  Don’t forget your “C’est le…”!!

TEC (Travail en Classe): pg 42 #3—Do orally in partners.

Devoirs :  Practice out loud and study questions/vocab for oral test (the only questions that I will ask that are not on the “Feuille de vocabulaire #1” are:  “Quel temps fait-il?” and “C’est quelle saison?”), write out pg 42 #3 (questions and answers), Leçon8/phone numbers handout (front and back!)

Monday, October 5, 2015

Lundi 05/10

Today we learned some new vocab (et, ou, aussi, aujourd’hui, demain, hier), we also practiced phone numbers and nationalities.  We discussed the oral test that will happen on Monday!

ObjectifStudents will be able to ask for/give telephone numbers

A Faire:  partner phone number activity. (See Madame Reid!)

Devoirs :  handout unite 1 reading & culture,  pg 49 #2 (write question with day given, answer that it’s one day later!) Study/practice all vocabulary/question from feuille #1 and in notes, also dialogue!  Oral testing starts Monday!!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Jeudi 01/10

We practiced our dialogue and tried incorporating some of our other questions into it so it became a more full conversation.  We continued our work on nationalities and learned how to say/write phone numbers in French.

ObjectifStudents will be able to ask for and give nationalities.

A Faire:   pg 39 #5 (write out in words, then practice orally)

TEC (Travail en Classe)Fill in blank side of “Loto” board with the words for any numbers between 70-99. *If you don’t already have one!!

Devoirs :  pg 21 #3 (write question and answer, pay attention to gender of person and nationality word), practice and be able to say your phone number, write out the phone numbers of 5 other people in words, practice questions/vocab/dialogue (oral test in 1 week!!), get binder/cahier organized (I will check Monday!!)

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mardi 29/09

Today we did a lot of speaking practice to review and practice our questions/vocabulary.  In particular, we practiced a 2nd way to say one’s birthday, answering the question “C’est quand ton anniversaire?” with “Mon anniversaire est le # (mois).”  We learned how to tell someone to have a good day/afternoon/evening and say good night and how to describe our nationality and what city we are from.   We also turned in our French speaking country brochures.

Objectif:  Students will be able to say their nationality

A Faire:   pg 20 #2—follow the model and write the question and answer for each person/city on the map.  Be sure to use the correct form of “français/française” (masculine/feminine) in your writing.

Devoirs :  handout leçon 1/reading & culture (both sides), Study/practice all vocabulary/questions from feuille #1 and in notes.  Don’t forget the dialogue!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Vendredi 25/09

We had a substitute (M. Colby) today.  We went back to the library to continue our research.

ObjectifStudents will research and understand facts and cultural features of a francophone country.

TEC (Travail en Classe)Research your French speaking country and start writing information in your own words.

Devoirs :  Finish brochure for mardi (Tuesday)!  I will be available on Monday before/after school for questions or if you need supplies.  Take notes in the book pg 50, yellow box, what is another way to answer the question “C’est quand ton anniversaire?” Study/practice all vocabulary from feuille #1 and in notes also the dialogue!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Mercredi 23/09

Today we went over the French speaking country project description and how to look up the country name on  Madame Battle (librarian) came and shared with us about some great database resources for our research.  Then we went to the library to research and work.

ObjectifStudents will choose and begin researching a French speaking country

TEC (Travail en Classe):  look up country name on and start researching the country information.

Devoirs :  Continue research (project is due on Tuesday!!), read 2nd page (back of 1st page) of project packet and take notes over key ideas (what does francophone mean ??)  pg 51 #5 (answer question “Quelle est la date?” for each)  Study/practice all vocabulary from feuille #1 and in notes as well as dialogue!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Lundi 21/09

Today we did some review, took a quiz and had a guest speaker.

ObjectifStudents will know countries besides France that speak French

Devoirs :  pg 51 #6 (rewrite French date in words), pg 49 #3 (say goodbye and when you’ll see them next), practice/study vocab, questions, letters, numbers.  Read project handout/choose country

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Jeudi 17/09

Today we practiced our complete dialogue (see updated version), our numbers 0-100 and discussed some important cultural differences around formality for addressing people and asking how they are.

ObjectifStudents will be able to ask a variety of French speakers how they are doing.

A Faire:  Do in your cahier/notebook! pg 25 #5 (write out numbers in words, then say out loud)  Make sure you label with date and page/activity # !!)

TEC (Travail en Classe)Fill in blank side of “Loto” board with the words for any numbers between 70-99.

Devoirs :  Leçon 3 handout (front and back), mon dictionnaire:  add 10 numbers you find difficult  and 5 feelings using “ça va/je vais” feelings, Vocab quiz lundi/Monday!! Study/practice: days, week, months, seasons, numbers, alphabet, ça va, oui/non, questions (bday, age, weather, date, day etc.)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Mardi 15/09

We reviewed weather/months/seasons, learned numbers 20-100 and began using some new questions and vocabulary (for example: “C’est quand ton anniversaire?”)

ObjectifStudents will be able to use numbers over 20.

A Faire:   Quel jour est-ce ?  Quelle est la date ?

TEC (Travail en Classe)Take a survey of the birthdays of 5 different people in class.  Write out the dates in the French way.  Also, do pg 25 #4, write a sentence saying how each person is feeling (use “Ça va ____”)

Devoirs :  Write out the birthdays in French date format for 5 people you know, say out loud.  Do pg. 25 #3 (read the context and say how the person would respond to the question “Ça va?”), practice numbers and all vocab/questions (vocab quiz Monday!!)

Friday, September 11, 2015

Vendredi 11/09

Today in class we practiced talking about weather during different seasons and months, we also did a survey in class to practice using “oui/non,” “Comment t’appelles-tu?” and “Comment ça s’écrit?”.  We learned the origins of the words for the days of the week in French and discussed that days and months are generally not capitalized in French.

ObjectifStudents will be able to describe the weather in various seasons and places.

A Faire:   Quel temps fait-il ?

TEC (Travail en Classe):  Season/Weather practice (see handouts!)  Answer with complete sentences.  For part A, “C’est…”  For part B, “En hiver…”, “En automne…”, “En été…”, “Au printemps…” (for each city!)

Devoirs :  study vocab for: days, week, months, seasons, numbers, alphabet (vocab quiz Thur!!) read “Note Culturelle” pg 23 (Take notes!!),  pg 71 #2 (describe the 4 seasons in the different cities–make your best guess if you don’t know)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Mercredi 09/09

Bienvenue (Welcome) au blog de français 1-2 de l’année 2015-2016!

Today in class we did a lot of review of letters, numbers, days, months seasons and our dialogue.  We also learned how to talk about the weather.
Bonjour! Comment t’appelles-tu?
                        Salut!  Je m’appelle….
                        Comment ça s’écrit?
                        Ça s’écrit…  Et toi?  Comment t’appelles-tu?
                        Je m’appelle…
Comment ça s’écrit ?
Ça s’écrit…
Merci ! 
De rien! Quel âge as-tu?
J’ai.. ans.  Et toi?
Enchanté(e)!  Au revoir!
Au revoir ! *Salut

ObjectifStudents will solidify their understanding of calendar words, greetings/salutations, letters and numbers.

A Faire:   C’est quelle saison ?    C’est_______

TEC (Travail en Classe):  Write what the weather is like in Portland during the following months by completing the following sentence starts:
En avril,…
En juillet,…
En février,…
En octobre,…

Devoirs :  Mon dictionnaire x 11 (all new weather vocabulary!), do pg 71 #1 (this is a lot like the TEC, make sure to label with date/pg/activity #!!)   Practice!!! (quiz coming soon!)

Friday, June 5, 2015

Vendredi 05/05

We went over the clothing vocabulary pgs 248-250 and worked on dialogues while I did oral interviews.

A Faire: pg 249 #2 (rewrite the sentence and complete it with the appropriate clothing vocabulary)

TEC :  Peer-edit and revision of final dialogue.

Devoirs : Final dialogue draft typed, ready to turn in (copy for me and for all group members, practice over weekend !) Study verbs for small test Monday, pg 251 #4 (write questions and answers!  What do you wear when you...?  Follow the examples given for both questions and answers!)

Small test Monday over verbs, aller + inf, chez, Paris top 10, ça fait combien/combien coute.. ?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Mercredi 03/06

Today we reviewed IR and RE verbs, went over some homework, worked on dialogues, did oral interviews and had a crepe party!

TEC:  Work on dialogue rough draft

Devoirs : have a complete, double spaced rough draft of your dialogue for peer editing in class on Friday (Neatly written!!)  take notes pgs 248-250, and practice for interviews

Monday, June 1, 2015

Lundi 01/06

We reviewed RE verbs, practiced “ma maison de rêve” and “mon quartier” and had some time to work on dialogues.  I started oral interviews and will continue all this week.

A Faire:  pg 281 #11

Devoirs :  practice for oral interview, pg 281 #10 (say that the people in parentheses do/don’t do the thing in the question. Use correct conjugation, make at least 1 negative sentence.) 

Small test Monday over verbs, aller + inf, chez, Paris top 10, ça fait combien/combien coute.. ?, maison, quartier

Fête de crêpe Wednesday, bring stuff!!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Vendredi 29/05

Today we reviewed “aller + infinitive” and IR verbs.  We also learned the last group of regular verbs, RE, and how to conjugate them.  We went over and started our final project, a dialogue.

A Faire: pg 280 #9 (Write sentences describing who is waiting for who.  Remember that “for” is already built into the verb “attendre”!)

TEC :  Dialogue work time

Devoirs : Leçon 28 handout (front/back), practice “maison de rêve” and “mon quartier” for oral interviews starting Monday (use questions for “maison de rêve” that we’ve been practicing and be able to give directions from the “X-vous êtes ici” to all places on your “mon quartier” map)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mercredi 27/05

Today we reviewed IR verbs, place vocabulary, and the “Maison de Rêve” questions.  We also went over some previous homework (pg 204 #7)

A Faire:  Leçon 27 handout #2 (read the context sentence then write and affirmative or negative sentence using the appropriate conjugation of the verb in parentheses, be logical!)

Handouts:  Leçon 27 handout

Devoirs : Leçon 27 handout #1 (use pgs 248-250 for vocab), Leçon 22 packet back page #5 & #6, practice “Maison de Rêve”, finish “Mon Quartier” if not turned in today!!  (Interviews start very soon!)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Vendredi 22/05

Today we had a substitute.  We reviewed IR verbs, and started a new mini-project in class.

Handouts:  Mon Quartier

A Faire: pg 268 #2

TEC :  Mini-Project: Mon Quartier.  See handout! Be sure to label your project with “Le Quartier de _(ton nom)_”

Devoirs finish “mon quartier” for turn in on Wed, pg 268 #3 (questions personnelles: complete sentences, look for clues in the questions to help you answer! Bring struggles to class on Wed)  Study all verb conjugations (regular/irregular), practice dream house!