Today we learned some Thanksgiving food
vocabulary and how to say we like and don’t like eating certain things. We also practiced writing name, age,
nationality, city & country people are from (and brushing up on some
geography as well!) At the end of class, we started learning to tell time.
Objectif: Students will be able to share
about what Thanksgiving foods they like/dislike.
A Faire: See handout and read directions carefully. You should
have 5 sentences for each person!
TEC (Travail en
Classe): Take notes over the
PowerPoint vocabulary, practicing saying what you like/don’t like to eat out
Handouts : A Faire-People from other countries/countrylist, Mon Dictionnaire, PowerPoint: Le Vocabulaire de Thanksgiving.
Devoirs : Bring Family tree EVERY DAY for practice ! Add Thanksgiving food vocab + “I like to eat..”
and “I don’t like to eat..”, to Mon Dictionnaire
(French word/phrase and a picture, no English definition!!) pg 27 #1 (write out
time in complete sentence/words, add a time of day for practice!)