Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Vendredi 22/11

Today I did oral interviews while the class worked with Mme. Pallier practicing accepting and declining invitations, talking about likes/dislikes and listening to our song.

A Faire:  pg 95 #1

Devoirs:  Practice French for a family member/adult 3 different times for 10 min each.  Have the adult sign in your cahier!  *You may practice up to 2 extra times for some extra credit…be sure to get extra signatures!  Watch French movies and listen to French music!!

Bonnes Vacances!!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mercredi 20/11

Today we learned ways to invite people to do things and how to accept/decline invitations.  We started oral interviews with the family trees and listened to a new song.

A Faire:  Sheet of the week questions, worksheet

Devoirspractice family tree and be sure to have it in class every day, pg 94 #9 (write questions and answers)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lundi 18/11

Today we practiced family trees and learned a new question “Est-ce que tu veux…?”.

A Faire:  Sheet of the week questions, write questions only for activity pg. 94 #8.

DevoirsTake notes pg 94, pg 95 #3, practice family tree (interviews start Wednesday!)

Friday, November 15, 2013

Vendredi 15/11

Today we practiced saying what we like to do using our new verbs, we practiced family trees, we learned how to say “I want” (je veux…), “I don’t want” (je ne veux pas…), and “I would like” (je voudrais…).  Then we played “Loto” with verbs.

A Faire:  pg 93 #6 (imagine you are the people thinking of what you would like to do, use je voudrais…)

Devoirs:  pg 93 #5, Practice family tree, be able to say these things: Here is____/Voici _____,
His/her name is____/Il/Elle s’appelle_____,  He/she is ______yrs old/Il/Elle a _______ ans, and choose 8 people (put a star next to them on your tree) and be able to say what they like to do using verbs (each must be different).  

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mercredi 13/11

Today we learned some new verbs, practiced talking about what family members like to do, and worked on dialogue scripts in partners.

Devoirspractice family tree and be sure to have it in class every day for practice (oral testing will start next week!), learn/memorize new verbs and verbs pg 90-91 (feuille #9) for “Loto”, do visual dictionary entries for the new verbs introduced today.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Mercredi 06/11

Today we practiced the new family vocabulary we learned Monday and talked about the word “qui” and the articles “le, la, l’, les”.

A Faire:  Family tree question handout.  Write a complete sentence saying how the people are related to the person in bold (C’est…)

Devoirs:  1)  Practice your family tree orally: be able to say who each person is to you, their name and age, 2)  Choose 6 people from your family tree and write what they like to do (use verbs on sheet of the week #9)  EX:  Mon père aime.../Ma soeur aime...  3)  do pg 42 #1 (choose le, la, l’, les)

Lundi 04/11

Today there was a substitute.  We went over homework and practiced asking/answering the questions, practiced talking about family trees, and worked on a packet with more extensive family vocabulary.

A Faire:  Family packet…  read front page, take notes over vocab pg 2, identify in French the people on the family tree pg 2, do exercises A-E (you can try F-H but are not required to do it).

Devoirs:  Finish family packet exercises A-E

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Vendredi 01/11

Today we corrected quizzes (to earn partial credit back and learn from mistakes!) and added our new verbs to the visual dictionary.
A Faire:  Add the new verbs (see sheet of the week) to visual dictionary.

Devoirs:  pg 92 #3.  Write questions (follow the model) and your answers.

Calendars accepted only until Wednesday!

Quiz corrections must be completed in tutorial!

Tardy detentions must be served by Wednesday or they double!
Turn in bathroom passes and extra credit coupons by Thursday!