Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Lundi 06/06

Today, we reviewed some vocabulary and then worked on projects. 

ObjectifStudents will review vocabulary and will work on final project.

TEC:  Project work time

Devoirs :  Final project due by Wed, June 8 @ 1:30 pm.  No project will be accepted after this time, NO EXCEPTIONS!!  Be sure to review criteria and format expectations!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Jeudi 02/06

We went over the results of the STAMP test, learned to ask for and give directions, and worked on the writing portion of the project.

ObjectifStudents will learn to ask for/give directions and work on final project.

A Faire:   pg 193 #5

TEC:  Project work time

Devoirs :  Finalize visual, Do most of project writing (bring questions and identify areas you need support in for next class!)  Missing work (due by Monday!!)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Mardi 31/05

Today, we learned to give addresses and started our final project 

ObjectifStudents will be able to give their address and will start final project.

A Faire:   pg 192 #4 (Write questions for Pauline using the appropriate vocabulary)

TEC:  Project work time

Devoirs :  Work on project visual (You should have decided on and represented all the places in your city/neighborhood and the rooms/features of your dream house.  Be ready to start writing about them in class after we go over writing criteria!!)

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Jeudi 26/05

We practiced talking about our house/apartments and learned some vocabulary for places in our city/neighborhood.

ObjectifStudents will describe their house and learn about places in town

A Faire:   pg 195 #7 (say whether these places are upstairs or downstairs)

TEC:  Take notes over “Ma Ville” PowerPoint

Photocopies :  PowerPoint : Ma Ville

Devoirs :  Mon dictionnaire “faire expressions”, pg 192 #3 (say whether it is/isn’t in your neighborhood, if it is, give the name, follow examples, and use correct articles!)  Start thinking about your final project…designing dream house, neighborhood & city.  What will you want to include?? *we’ll work in class on Tuesday…

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Mardi 24/05

Today we had a substitute and did the STAMP test (language proficiency test). 

ObjectifStudents will complete STAMP testing

TEC/Devoirs :  Add « faire expressions » from handout to « mon dictionnaire » (on back of handout), pg 195 #8 (for the given people, write a sentence stating where they are in/around the house doing the activity listed.  Follow this pattern: subject + conjugation of être + “dans” + place in/around house)

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


        1.    Click on this link to access the test:

             STAMP TEST

              2.    Enter the following info and then log in:

      Test code: 


      Login name:  class period + first initial + last name (all one word!)

              3.    Click the RED BUTTON for Reading/Writing.  DO NOT CLICK THE YELLOW BUTTON OR YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THE TEST!!


*Let me know when your computer says you’ve completed the test.  I will help you

log off.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Vendredi 20/05

We practiced some new faire expressions, went over homework, and got some new vocabulary for rooms and house related things.

ObjectifStudents will learn some expressions with faire and house vocabulary

A Faire:   Using the subject, faire expressions and places, put together some logical sentences.  Watch your conjugations!!

*au parc, à la montagne, à la maison, dans mon quartier (in my neighborhood), au centre commercial (at the mall)

         1.      Nous/Faire un pique-nique
         2.      Elle/Faire du ski
         3.      Ils/Faire du piano
         4.      Je/Faire du vélo
         5.      Vous/Faire des achats

TEC:  Take notes over PowerPoint

Devoirs :  pg 195 #6 (complete the sentences/write whole sentence, give all possible answers for #6 & #8), front side of reading comprehension handout (“Conversation,” answer questions in English)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Mercredi 18/05

We reviewed some object vocabulary and prepositions of place orally then learned some fixed expressions with the verb “faire”.  We also did a “scavenger hunt” for hidden objects in the classroom and described their locations using prepositions.  We turned this in as a formative assessment.

ObjectifStudents will learn some expressions with the verb “faire.”

A Faire:   pg 124 #10.  Write a sentence about the people given using a logical “faire” expression.

TEC:  La chasse au trésor (scavenger hunt)  *See Mme. Reid

Photocopies :  Faire/Article practice

Devoirs :  Faire/article handout #4 (« Conversations ») and #3 (back, « Quel article ? ») *Not #3 "Curiosite", Study verbs and vocab !

Monday, May 16, 2016

Lundi 16/05

We reviewed some object vocabulary and prepositions of place (and some familiar question/answer formats), we learned a new verb (faire) and had some time to practice conjugations with a dice game.

ObjectifStudents will learn the verb “faire.”

A Faire:   pg 146 #13 (write responses to the question “Où est….? using il/elle to replace the object)

TEC:  pg 124 #9 (rewrite the whole sentence with the correct conjugation of “faire”)

Devoirs :  pg 147 #2 (write both sides of conversation, use familiar questions/responses, they’ve given you some helpful vocab!)  Study verbs/vocab!!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Jeudi 12/05

We practiced saying what we have and don’t have “any” of, reviewed “Il y a” and “Est-ce qu’il y a…?,” learned “Qu’est-ce qu’il y a…?”, a few new objects and prepositions of place (in, under, on, in front of, behind…see pg 144!).  We also took a quiz at the end of class.

ObjectifStudents will learn prepositions of place.

A Faire:   pg 145 #9 orally, pg 145 #11 (“in” the chair, “in front of” the window)

TEC:  pg 155 #11 (write the questions and the answers)

Devoirs :  pg 145 #12 (put together some silly sentences using “il y a” and the information from columns A & B), continue to study object vocab (particularly articles!!) and verbs (ER, Avoir, Etre) *We are adding new verbs next week!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mardi 10/05

Today, we reviewed objects, learned how to distinguish between 2 kinds of articles and write nouns in singular vs. plural forms.  We also learned the expression “il y a” 

ObjectifStudents will practice articles in both singular and plural forms.

A Faire:   pg 153 #6—rewrite each singular noun as plural.

TEC:  pg 155 #11 (write the questions and the answers)

Devoirs :  pg 154 #10 (say what they don’t have, in parentheses, make sure you use correct conjugation of avoir & negative article!), quiz next class over object vocab and verbs (ER, Avoir, Etre)  


Friday, May 6, 2016

Vendredi 06/05

We reviewed objects/vocab and new expressions as well as verbs.  We also reviewed making questions and adjectives. 

ObjectifStudents will review recent vocabulary and structures.

A Faire:   pg 172 #2 (write out questions and responses)

TEC:  worksheet (adjectives/questions) #3  *handed out 4/12/16

Devoirs :  pg 154 #9 (write out questions et your responses!), quiz next class over object vocab and verbs (ER, Avoir, Etre)  

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Mercredi 04/05

Today we learned a few new objects, practiced our vocab pg 140 (including new expressions) and learned how to say things are working well or not.  We also looked at our tests and learned how to have the retake option.

ObjectifStudents will be able to say how well objects work

A Faire:   PowerPoint:  Qu’est-ce que c’est?...  Write the answer to this question for each image given !  *Take notes over 7 new objects at the end!!

TEC:  PowerPoint: Marcher bien?  Say that you have each object in the picture, then say whether it works well or not.

Devoirs :  pg 143 #8 (exactly like TEC), add 7 new objects to mon dictionnaire, study object vocab (quiz VERY soon !), finish Loto board for class on Friday.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Lundi 02/05

We practiced saying what we have using our new object vocabulary.  We also learned about classroom objects.  We listened to “Je Veux” and “Sympathique.” 

ObjectifStudents will learn classroom objects.

A Faire:   pg 143 #6, responses !

TEC:  Take notes over PowerPoint then add 21 new vocab words to “Mon dictionnaire”

Devoirs :  pg 141 #3 (answer questions “Qu’est-ce que c’est?”), Mon dictionnaire x 21 (PowerPoint) & x 10 (pg 140, only the new ones!) = 31 total new entries !

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Jeudi 28/04

We practiced some new adjectives, reviewed avoir and began learning some new object vocabulary.

ObjectifStudents will begin to talk about objects they have.

A Faire:   pg 163 #3 (say one thing they are and one thing they are not)

TEC:  Mon dictionnaire for vocab pg 142 (addFrench word and an image to represent it)

Devoirs :  pg 143 #5 (use articles) & #7 (write the questions and your answers), study all verbs including avoir and vocabulary (adjs/objects/etc)

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Mardi 26/04

Today we reviewed adjectives and nationalities (which are adjectives) and learned the verb “avoir.”  We also listened to our current and an old song and discussed our cultural presenter from last week.

ObjectifStudents will learn the verb “to have.”

A Faire:   pg 165 #6—prepare the dialogues and practice in partners. (make sure adjectives agree with s/pl, m/f!!)

TEC:  Avoir les cheveux—look at the images and, using the subject given, write a sentences describing their hair color.

Devoirs :  pg 150 #1 (do your best to match cars to the country of the people given, write a sentence saying they have a car.), pg 163 #4 (rewrite whole sentence with 2 adjectives), study avoir!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Vendredi 22/04

We went over the review activities and recent homework, then took our test.

ObjectifStudents will demonstrate knowledge on a summative assessment.

Devoirs :  pg 162 #1 (say the girls are not these things), take notes pg163 (yellow box), study verbs and vocab!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Mercredi 20/04

We had a French guest speaker and then finished our Paris Top 10.  We also talked about preparations for the test on Friday.

ObjectifStudents will learn about French culture from a guest speaker.

A Faire:   Reflection on guest speaker…What did you learn today ?

TEC:  Review #2, Paris Top 10

Handouts:  Review #2

Devoirs :  Finish review 2, pg 126 #2 (write the questions that go with the answers given), bring any questions about structures/vocab/homework to class

Monday, April 18, 2016

Lundi 18/04

Today, we practiced using colors to describe things and discussing our favorite colors.  Then we did some extensive review for the test on Friday

ObjectifStudents will review for the test

A Faire:   De quelle couleur…? (see handouts)

TEC:  Correct Quiz #5 (passed back) then do Review #1

Devoirs :  Finish review, pg 165 #7 (nationalities are adjectives, make agreements!), Start studying now for test (do a little bit every day!!)

Test study list :

être (meaning/conjugation), être d’accord, subject pronouns/formality, All question words including (Qu’est-ce que, expressions with “qui”, and n’est-ce pas), writing questions, adjectives, Comment es-tu/est-il?, ER verbs/conjugations, Places (book/PowerPoint), invitations/acceptance/excuses, infinitive construction (want/can/have to/prefer/like “to do”), Expressions : dommage/c’est dommage, Ah bon? Mais oui/mais non, peut-être, etc... Culture :  Paris Top 10, Poisson d’avril, Sympathique, Je Veux.  

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Jeudi 14/04

Today continued describing others, learned about colors and went over the homework.

ObjectifStudents will learn colors.

A Faire:   PowerPoint:  Give the name, age and describe 2 qualities (physical or personality) of each character/person.  If you don’t know, guesstimate!

TEC:  PowerPoint:  Take notes over colors, copy and answer questions

Devoirs :  pg 173 #3 (write a sentence describing the colors of the animals), take detailed notes pg 138 (yellow box), photocopie (from last class) Front #2 (question words with “qui”), Study for TEST next week!!

Test topics to study:

être (meaning/conjugation), être d’accord, subject pronouns/formality, All question words including (Qu’est-ce que, expressions with “qui”, and n’est-ce pas), writing questions, adjectives, Comment es-tu/est-il?, ER verbs/conjugations, Places (book/PowerPoint), invitations/acceptance/excuses, infinitive construction (want/can/have to/prefer/like “to do”), Expressions : dommage/c’est dommage, Ah bon? Mais oui/mais non, peut-être, Culture :  Paris Top 10, Poisson d’avril, Sympathique, Je Veux.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Mardi 12/04

We practiced talking about what we and others are like using adjectives.  We learned some new vocab as well as how to write them appropriately to show agreements for masculine/feminine and singular/plural.  We also listened to our song and did some culture activities (3rd-Paris Top 10, 4th-Presentation de Benjamin).

ObjectifStudents will learn to give physical and personality descriptions

A Faire:   PowerPoint:  Give the name, age and describe 2 qualities (physical or personality) of each character/person.  If you don’t know, guesstimate!

TEC:  Paris Top 10

Devoirs : Adjectives/questions worksheet : front #1, back #1 & 2.  Study for test next week !

Friday, April 8, 2016

Jeudi 07/04

Today we did a listening activity and watched the music video for our song. We did some practice with questions and started learning about adjectives for physical descriptions.  At the end of class we had a chance to ask some of the visiting French students questions about where they live and what it is like.

ObjectifStudents will learn to use adjectives to describe physical appearance.

A Faire:   pg 123 #8 (write 5 questions using: “Qu’est-ce que”, the subjects given, and alternate between using écouter/regarder.  Then write 5 logical answers to the questions.)

TEC:  Oui/Non (see handouts)—write an affirmative or negative sentence using the adjective given.

Handouts:  A Faire-Oui/Non

Devoirs :  pg 139 #2 (write 5 sentences including name, age, and 3 physical characteristics—what they are or aren’t.  Use pictures to “guesstimate”!) Study vocab/verbs! (Test coming VERY soon!!)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Mardi 05/04

We listened to our new song, reviewed how to agree/disagree, went over the homework and learned ways to ask more precise questions.  We also continued watching Paris Top 10.

ObjectifStudents will learn question words with “qui.”

A Faire:   pg 122 #5 (write questions and answers by putting together the pieces given in each number)

TEC:  Paris Top 10

Devoirs :  pg 123 #7 (use info given with each picture to write questions and answers. Image represents the verb you should use in your question!)  Study vocab/verbs! (Test coming next week !!)

Friday, April 1, 2016

Vendredi 01/04

We listened to our new song, did some oral practice with new expressions and verbs, then learned about “Poisson d’Avril.”

ObjectifStudents will learn about poisson d’avril.

A Faire:   See “handouts”!

TEC:  Take notes over PowerPoint

Devoirs :  photocopie leçon 14 (front and back!), finish A Faire if not complete in class, study vocab/verbs!! (Test coming very soon !!)

All missing work must be turned in by Monday 4/4/16 (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!)

All quizzes must be made up this week!! 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Mercredi 30/03

We listened to our new song, reviewed être and did some speaking practice with it.  We continued our video “Paris Top 10.”

ObjectifStudents will continue to practice the verb être.

A Faire:   pg 105 #3 (write out the dialogues and practice out loud)

TEC:  Paris Top 10 (video)

Devoirs :  pg 105 #5  (write sentences saying where you are in these circumstances, use different places, you may need to make some generalizations!)

All missing work must be turned in by Monday 4/4/16 (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!)

All quizzes must be made up this week!! 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Lundi 28/03

We talked about our vacations, learned 2 new expressions “n’est-ce pas” and “être d’accord”, took a quiz and started watching a cultural video about Paris.

ObjectifStudents will learn new expressions to use with questions and être.

A Faire:   pg 111 #6—write questions and answers, practice out loud

TEC:  Paris Top 10 (video)

Handouts :  Paris Top 10 Questions

Devoirs :  pg 102 #8 (conjugate the être of être d’accord for the subjects given.  Frowning face means they don't agree, so make those sentences negative!)

All missing work must be turned in by Monday 4/4/16 (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!)

All quizzes must be made up this week!! 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Jeudi 17/03

We did a little speaking practice and then had our fête de crêpe!

ObjectifStudents will celebrate with crepes!

Devoirs :  Study vocab over places (from PowerPoint and book)  for quiz on Monday !   pg 104 #1 (choose the best response carefully!) & #2 write a sentence saying where each person is, use subject given)

Bonnes Vacances!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Mardi 15/03

We reviewed questions with “qui” and using être in negative sentences.  We went over some homework and took a quiz.

ObjectifStudents will review negation with être.

A Faire:   pg 103 #10 (write a sentence explaining that the people are NOT at the place listed in partentheses)

Devoirs :  notes pg 103 yellow box, pg 103 #9 (rewrite ENTIRE sentence with correct word from yellow box!)  FETE DE CREPE JEUDI!!!

Vendredi 11/03

We had a substitute.  We did lots of oral practice with questions and être, learned to use être in negative sentences, and played Battleship to review verb conjugations.

ObjectifStudents will practice questions and answers with être and ER verbs.

A Faire:   pg 122 #6—write your responses to the questions (whether or not you do the activities)

TEC:  pg 102 #7 (answer negatively to all!)

Devoirs :  pg 110 #4 : write question using « où » and conjugation of être.  Write an answer saying where they are and what they are doing using places & être/ER verb in parentheses. (You might put the example on the board as you explain this.)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Mercredi 09/03

: Today we learned some new expressions (pg 101), practiced être/ER verbs/place vocabulary and worked on forming different kinds of questions (using “où” and “qui,” pg 122).

ObjectifStudents will practice describing where people are.

A Faire:   Write a sentence for each PowerPoint slide answering the question (saying where the people are!)

TEC:  Rewrite the following questions in French…
      1)      Who is in class?  2) Who watches Game of Thrones?  3) Who plays tennis?  4) Who eats pizza? (la pizza) 5) Who eats at the café?  6) Who studies at the library? 7) Who listens to Justin Bieber?  8) Who works?  9) Who speaks Spanish? 10) Who organizes a party?

Devoirs :  pg 122 #6 (write questions using “Qui”), Study : être, question words, ER verbs/conjugations, subject pronouns (quiz coming!)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Lundi 07/03

We reviewed the verb être (to be) and forming questions.  We learned some new vocabulary for common places and practiced using it with être to describe where people are.  We played Loto at the end to review the vocabulary.

ObjectifStudents will learn place vocabulary.

A Faire:   pg 100 #4 write question & answers, do orally in partners.

TEC:  Take notes over PowerPoint

Devoirs :  pg 101 #5 (write questions), study être, question words, ER verbs/conjugations, subject pronouns (quiz this week !)

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Jeudi 03/03

More than half the class was gone today on a field trip so we played French Monopoly and listened to our song.

ObjectifStudents will play French Monopoly.

Devoirs: pg 100 #3 (question and answer): write question by putting est-ce que in front of the sentence given, answer yes to the question by replacing the people with the correct subject pronoun (je/tu/il/etc...) and restating the sentence.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Mardi 01/03

We went over some questions and homework.  We also learned a new verb, être (to be). 

ObjectifStudents will learn the verb être

A Faire:   pg 121 #3 (write the mini dialogues for each number, practice out loud in partners)

TEC:  pg 99 #2 (orally)

Devoirs :  Take notes yellow box pg 99 and study vocab.  Pg 99 #1 (rewrite the whole sentence with the correct conjugation of être)

*All dialogue presentations and missing quizzes (last week) must be made up by the end of tutorial this week or you will get a 0.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Vendredi 26/02

We went over our new questions word vocabulary and discussed how to put questions together.  We also played a team game conjugating verbs using the white boards. 

ObjectifStudents will learn to form and answer questions in French

A Faire:   Respond to the following questions in French in complete sentences :
     1.      Est-ce que tu aimes étudier ?
     2.      Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?     
     3.      Où est-ce que tu habites ? 
     4.      En général, à quelle heure est-ce que tu manges le dîner ?
     5.      Comment est-ce que tu joues au basket ?
     6.      Quand est-ce que tu nages ?

Devoirs :  pg 121 #4 (write complete sentence answers to questions!), study verb meanings/conjugations, question words, practice out loud!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mercredi 24/02

We reviewed for the quiz with speaking/writing practice and a whiteboard game.  Then we took the quiz.

ObjectifStudents will review then demonstrate knowledge on a quiz.

A Faire:   pg 115 #4 (réponses only!  Practice in partners with question)

Devoirs :  Take notes yellow box pg 120, pg 121 #1 answers only, say where each person lives,  conjugate “habiter” + à + place in parentheses)

Monday, February 22, 2016

Lundi 22/02

We reviewed conjugation and infinitive construction.  We corrected some homework and did a listening activity.  Quiz next class! (If you will be absent during class Wednesday because of a field trip, you must take the quiz during tutorial!!)

ObjectifStudents will refine their understanding of infinitive construction.

A Faire:   pg 117 #3 (look at the lockers and write at least 2 sentences for each saying what they like to do.  Conjugation of “aimer” + infinitive!)

Handouts :  Listening/ER practice.

Devoirs :  back of listening handout, study for quiz next class (ER verb vocab, conjugation, affirmative/negative sentences, infinitive usage, expressions pg 114)

*This is the last week to donate to Pennies for Patients!!  Don't forget your extra change/dollars!  We also take checks made out to GHS:)

Friday, February 19, 2016

Jeudi 18/02

We reviewed conjugation, negation and expressions as well as learned infinitive construction.  We finished dialogue presentations and played “Battleship” with verbs.

ObjectifStudents will learn to use infinitive construction.

A Faire:   pg 116 #2

Devoirs :  pg 115 #15 (conjugate aimer for the people given then add the  infinitive, say the people LIKE doing the activity they are doing in the sentence given), Worksheet on back of Battleship (look at pictures and conjugate the appropriate verb!)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Mardi 16/02

We practiced conjugating in affirmative and negative sentences and adding useful expressions to express how often or well people do certain activities.  We had time to practice dialogues and presented most of them.

ObjectifStudents will practice adding useful expressions to give more precise information.

A Faire:   pg 114 #3 Write your answers to the questions.  In #1 & 2, use one of our new words from the yellow box, in #3-6 make your sentences affirmative or negative as appropriate.  Practice in partners and give a “super!” or “dommage!” after your partner responds.

Devoirs :  pg 117 #4 (rewrite the whole thing replacing images with verb correctly conjugated! Crossed out means negative.)

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Jeudi 11/02

We listened to our song, reviewed conjugations and making negative sentences, did dress rehearsals for dialogue presentations (starting Tuesday!) and played a review game using Kahoot.

ObjectifStudents will practice conjugating ER verbs.

A Faire:   pg 113 #11 (1 affirmative and 1 negative sentence for each person given.)

Devoirs :  Study and take notes over yellow boxes pg 114.  Do pg. 114 #12 (rewrite sentences using the word that makes the most sense for you in the blank.) Practice dialogues!!  Presentations start Tuesday!!  Study verbs/conjugations

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Mardi 09/02

We learned to make sentences expressing what people don’t do.  We had a chance to practice dialogues and finished learning about Mardi Gras.

Objectif:  Students will learn to make negative sentences using ER verbs

A Faire:   Use the activities pg 113 #9 to say 3 things you don’t do.  Also write what the following people don’t do (use the same choices or invent your own):
       1.       Tu                          2. Summer et Megan      3. Elaine          
       4. Madame Reid et moi          5. Vous           6. Rahsaan 

TEC (Travail en Classe)Take notes over the Mardi Gras PowerPoint (you are responsible for content!)

Handouts :  PowerPoint: Mardi Gras

Devoirs :  Practice dialogues! (Presentations start Tuesday !!)  pg 113 #10—say what each person isn’t doing today (aujourd’hui) 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Vendredi 05/02

We listened to our song, reviewed conjugating ER verbs, had time to practice dialogues, and started learning about Mardi Gras.

ObjectifStudents will practice conjugating ER verbs.

A Faire:   pg 111 #7 (Match the times with the images of clocks/activities to say what activities the people are doing.  Watch your conjugations!

TEC (Travail en Classe)Take notes over the Mardi Gras PowerPoint (will be posted when we finish next Tuesday!)

Devoirs :  Practice dialogues, pg 111 #8 (Attention:  Different directions than the book!)  For each person choose 3 things they do in Paris and write out the sentences, make sure you are using all the activities at one point or another, watch your conjugations!)

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Mercredi 03/02

We listened to our song, reviewed conjugating ER verbs and talked about some exceptions (manger/voyager and the use of “à” after some verbs).  We also got time to work on dialogues in groups (Final script due Friday when you arrive to class!!)

ObjectifStudents will practice conjugating ER verbs.

A Faire:   Put the following sentences together using using the verb given in parentheses as the “glue” for the two parts.  Make sure to conjugate your verb for the person you’re talking about.  Also give the English meaning of each completed sentence.
       1.      Ricardo/Paris (aimer)
       2.      Nous/ à Portland (habiter)
       3.      Vous/des copains (inviter)
       4.      Violet et Maisie/une soirée (organiser)
       5.      Mes parents/l’Angleterre (visiter)

TEC (Travail en Classe)Work time on partner/group dialogue (see handouts from 28/01 for criteria)

Devoirs :  pg 110 #3 (Use the names of the people in your sentences, say what each person is doing by conjugating the appropriate verb), pg 111 #5 (Choose the correct subject pronoun and rewrite the whole sentence.), Final dialogue script TYPED—1 copy for me and 1 for each member of the group (delegate who does what!) when you arrive to class!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Lundi 01/02

We listened to our song, reviewed invitations and declining them, and learned to conjugate ER verbs.  We also had some time to work on our dialogue mini-project.

ObjectifStudents will learn to conjugate ER verbs.

A Faire:   pg 95 #2—write out both sides of the dialogue.  *dommage/C’est dommage-It’s too bad.

TEC (Travail en Classe)pg 108 #1—follow the example and write questions and “Oui” answers for all the activities given.  Make sure you change your verb endings to reflect who you are talking to!!  Practice orally in partners.

Devoirs :  109 #2 (choose the verb that makes the most sense for the sentence then conjugate it appropriately for the subject/who you’re talking about!)

Friday, January 29, 2016

Jeudi 28/01

We listened to our song, reviewed how to say at what time appointments/activities are, and started a dialogue project in partners/small groups.

ObjectifStudents will be able to ask for and say at what time activities are happening

A Faire:   See handouts for image of board…Write a question and answer for each activity listed asking when is the event and saying at what time it is.  Follow this pattern:  A quelle heure est _(l’activité)_?  _(l’activité)_ est à _ (l’heure)_.

TEC (Travail en Classe)Work time on partner/group dialogue (see handouts for criteria)

Devoirs :  2 worksheets (l'heure et le temps) front and back!  Be sure to read directions!!  Study/practice vocabulary, expressions, invitations, etc.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Mardi 26/01

Today we listened to our song and practiced our dialogue.  We reviewed inviting and accepting/declining invitations as well as telling time.  We finished with a listening activity about time where we listened to some mini-dialogues.

ObjectifStudents will be able to invite and accept/decline invitations as well as tell time

A Faire:   See handout

TEC (Travail en Classe)Listening activity (see handout)

Handouts :  Time handout #1

Devoirs :  Finish Time handout #1, study vocabulary/invitations/time!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Mercredi/Jeudi 13-14/01

We listened to our song, practiced our dialogue. Learned how to make crêpes and then enjoyed our crêpe party.

ObjectifStudents will learn to invite and accept invitations

A FaireTake detailed notes over the PowerPoint

*teaspoon = une cuillère à café, cup = une tasse

DevoirsCrossword/review worksheet (both sides), review vocabulary (verbs, likes/preferences, invitations, accepting/declining invitations.)  Practice dialogue

Friday, January 15, 2016

Vendredi 15/01

Today we learned to decline invitations and continued practicing inviting and accepting presentations.  We also finished our film and planned our crêpe party for next week during finals.

ObjectifStudents will learn to decline invitations

A Faire:  pg 94 #9, write the invitation with an “avec moi” and the excuse, practice out loud.

TEC :   Finish movie activities

Devoirs:  pg 95 #1 (write the invitation and the excuse from the choices given, practice this out loud!!), study vocabulary (verbs, invitations, feuilles de vocabulaire 1 & 2), practice dialogue out loud.  Maybe you are also revising family tree sentences and/or preparing for test reatakes.



Crêpe recipe…if you would like, but I’ll make the batter for the partyJ

Pâte à crêpes              (makes 10-15)
2 eggs              2 c.  2% milk              2 tsp. vanilla extract              2 c. flour         1 pinch salt

Break eggs in salad bowl and add pinch of salt and vanilla (or other flavoring).  Mix. Then add flour little by little and milk.  Mix well.  Refrigerate overnight if possible.