Friday, December 19, 2014

Vendredi 19/12

Today we practiced using the verb “marcher” to describe whether or not objects “work” well.  We watched some of the film and I continued family tree interviews.

A Faire:  For each picture in the PowerPoint, write a sentence saying whether it works well or doesn’t work well.  Make sure to replace the object with il or elle as appropriate.  Follow the example sentences on the first slide.   Click here for PowerPoint!

Devoirs : pg 152 #5: write questions (follow model in book) and answers (use il/elle and describe the location of the object), pg 143 #8 (very similar to A Faire, write out whole dialogue for each picture, saying what you have, asking if it works and saying whether it does or not.), Make up missing homework/daily work (I will be checking for stuff after break and giving a deadline for Semester 1 work!), PRACTICE!  



Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mercredi 17/12

Today we practiced replacing nouns with il/elle/ils/elles (he/she/it/they) as appropriate.  Then we started a film called “Yamakasi” about parkour.

Devoirs :  pg 146 #14 (write whole sentence), study/take notes pg 142 verb: “marcher”, do participation rubric (must explain if you give yourself anything other than a + “always demonstrates”, consider your practices for the months of October and November!)

Lundi 15/12

Today we had a substitute.  We did some review and practiced vocabulary for the quiz (Wed/Friday) by playing Loto.

A Faire:  Review worksheet

Devoirs :  crosswords (both sides).  Quiz Wed/Fri (ER verbs, want/would like/like, accepting/decling invitations, making excuses)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Vendredi 12/12

Today we practiced the expression “il y a” and the questions that go with it, as well as prepositions and bedroom objects (see pg 144).  I continued family tree interviews.

      1.      Pg 145 #9 (write out sentences and then share outloud with a partner)
      2.      “Dans ma chambre”  (see attached photos #1 & #2 of the board with directions!)

Devoirs :  finish “dans ma chambre”, pg 146 #13 (Attention: don’t follow the book example! Follow the following format:  Il y a une guitare sous mon lit. Just like you wrote the sentences for your room!)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Mercredi 10/12

Today we did some independent written work while Mme. Reid did family tree interviews.  We also did some speaking practice in partners and as a class at the end.

     1.      pg 141 #3 (orally in partners)
     2.      Object worksheet
     3.     “Sondage de famille” sentences (write how many brothers/sisters each of the 10 people has and  their names)  Ex:  Suzette a deux frères.  Ils s’appellent Sam et Felix.
       Pierre a un frère et trois sœurs.  Ils s’appellent Troy, Maddie, Kate, et Louise.       
       Mary n’a pas de frères ou sœurs.
     4.      Play « Cent », but write out the scores in words (to practice numbers)

Devoirs : Devoirs worksheet (both sides, complete sentences), study object vocab (with articles!) and useful classroom expressions, be ready for interviews if you haven’t already gone and present your dialogue to me before the end of the day on Friday, if you haven’t already!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Lundi 08/12

Today we practiced talking about what objects people have and what we would like for Christmas or Hanukkah.  I also explained how oral interviews over family trees will work on Wed.

A Fairepg 143 #7

Devoirs :  pg 143 #6 (use our familiar question about preferences, write the questions and the answers.  Don’t forget to use articles: UN/UNE!!), read family tree rubric

Friday, December 5, 2014

Vendredi 05/12

Today we practiced naming objects, did some review with a station activity in small groups while I listened to dialogues, and then played Battleship.

Handouts:  Visual dictionary

Devoirs : 
-Study/take notes pg 140, add new objects to visual dictionary (image and sentence in French starting “c’est un/une…”)
-Study/take notes pg 142.  Add more new objects to visual dictionary so you have a total of 16 (including pg 140 objects.)
-Do pg 143 #5, by writing and completing the sentence with the objects that fit the criteria.  Don’t forget to use articles (un/une) in your sentences!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mercredi 03/12

Today we practiced Thanksgiving vocabulary with some familiar questions/answers, went over the “people from other countries” handout, did a survey of classmates about whether or not they have brothers/sisters and their names, practiced dialogues, and learned classroom expressions and about objects.

TEC: Complete the survey in French

Devoirs : Visual dictionary (image and sentence in French starting “c’est un/une…”) for 8 relevant objects pg 83 (some vocab is really outdated), practice dialogue for presentations on Friday, practice family tree for interviews starting Monday, and study ER verbs (pg 90-91) and making/accepting/declining invitations for a quiz in the next week!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Lundi 01/12

Today we practiced talking about siblings and their names, learned some Thanksgiving vocabulary, and listened to our new song.

A FaireTake notes over Thanksgiving PowerPoint, answer the following questions with 2-3 new vocab words:  “Qu’est-ce que tu aimes manger?” “Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas manger?” in complete sentences !

Devoirs :  8 visual dictionary entries with picture and a SENTENCE (say what you like/don’t like/prefer/want/etc.) using the Thanksgiving vocab, make a list of 5 of the most important objects in your life—ex: your computer, guitar, camera, phone, etc… (can be in English!)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Mercredi 26/11

Today we talked about what different family members like  and whether they have pets as well as if we have brothers and sisters and their names.  We practiced dialogues and family trees out loud and used all our sentence frames for nationality, name, age, county from and whether the person is a boy/girl/man (gentleman)/woman (lady).  Then we played battleship in partners.

A Faire: People from other countries. Follow directions on handout.  Cliquez ici/Click here!

Devoirs People from other countries (both sides), ER verb practice (back of battleship), practice dialogues and family trees (oral interviews/presentations start Wednesday!)

Attention:  If you are missing Quarter 1 projects (ex: brochure, etc.) or tests and quizzes (you never took it) then you may make those up by 12/05 (next Friday).  No other work may be made up from Quarter 1.

Family tree questions:  Qui est-ce?  Comment s’appelle-t-il?  Comment s’appelle-t-elle?  Quel âge a-t-il?  Quel âge a-t-elle?  Ton père est de la France?  Il est français?  Elle est française?  Qu’est-ce qu’il/elle aime faire ?

Monday, November 24, 2014

Lundi 24/11

Today we looked at some familiar questions to understand the difference between “est-ce que” and “qu’est-ce que”.  We also practiced talking about plural subjects like “les parents” and “les amis”.  In particular, we shared the names of friends and family (“Comment s’appellent tes parents/tes amis?”  “Mes parents/Ils s’appellent Anne et Jerry”.

Devoirs :  pg 94 #9, practice dialogues and family trees

Friday, November 21, 2014

Vendredi 21/11

Today we practiced talking about what we want to do, how to make invitations and accept/decline them, practiced dialogues, looked at tests and played Pictionary with ER verbs.

A Faire: pg 94 #8 (prepare the answer to the question in writing and then do orally with your partner)

Devoirs :  practice dialogues and family trees, final typed script of dialogue, pg 95 #1 (write question to invite someone then  sentence to decline and make an excuse from the box), pg 95 #1 (tell your French penpal what you like and don’t like doing on vacation.  Start your sentence with “en vacances..” and say 3 activities you like and 3 you don’t like.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mercredi 19/11

Today we practiced talking about what we and our family members like to do.  We also learned how to say we want/don’t want/would like to do things as well as invite people to do activities with us (pg 93-4).  We also had time to revise and start practicing the dialogues scripts that I passed back.

A Faire: pg 93 #6 (Imagine you are the student in the image, write what you would like to be doing.  Practice out loud with a partner by asking the question “Qu’est-ce que tu voudrais faire?”)

TEC (Travail en classe): Revise dialogue script with partner and start practicing for presentation

Devoirs : pg 93 #5 (write whether or not you want to do the activities listed in each number), pg 95 #3 (use the context given, for example “En hiver…,” to write a sentence saying what you like to do in that situation.  Be logical!)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Lundi 17/11

Today we reviewed ER verbs and how to say what city/country we are from.  We also learned how to ask what someone likes to do (Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?) and how to ask what others like to do (Qu’est-ce que ta mère/ton père aime faire? Elle aime…/Il aime…)

A Faire:  Read the sentence saying which city each student is from and write a sentence saying which country he/she is from.  (Use vocab from the board picture on Friday!)

Devoirs :  Write a sentence explaining at least 3 things you like to do in response to the questions “Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?”, Choose 10 people from your family tree and write 10 sentences saying at least 1 activity they like to do (start each sentence with the name of the person), practice family trees (including which countries people are from!)

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Vendredi 14/11

Today we practiced talking about what country we are from and where our family members are from (see board picture for notes here).  We practiced family trees in preparation for the oral interview that will likely start at the end of next week.  You should be able to ask and answer the following questions about all the people on your tree:  Qui est-ce?  Comment s’appelle-t-il?  Comment s’appelle-t-elle?  Quel âge a-t-il?  Quel âge a-t-elle?  Ton père est de la France?  Il est français?  Elle est française?  We had some dialogue work time in class and partners will be turning in 1 copy of the script either typed or neatly written on Monday.  We also listened to our new song.

Devoirs :  Practice family tree. Do 8 more visual dictionary entries (picture and French, NO English1) for verbs from pg 90-91. Questions on the back of Feuille #3 (answer all questions in complete sentences!) Typed/neatly written dialogue script rough draft (1 per group).

Attention:  If you missed taking the test last week, you must make an appointment to take it before or after school during this coming week!  

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Mercredi 12/11

Today in class we practiced talking about what we like/don't like to do using ER verbs. We did some practice with family trees in partners (Qui est-ce? Quel age a-t-il? Quel age a-t-elle?). Then we spent time putting together our dialogues in partners.
A Faire: For each slide in the PowerPoint, write a sentence saying whether you like or don't like doing that activity. Then say out loud.
Handouts: PowerPoint: ER Verbs1
Devoirs : 8 visual dictionary entries for ER verbs (choose 8 from the list/PowerPoint), pg 92 #4 (write the question and the "mais" phrase for each set of pictures), Practice family trees!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Vendredi 07/11

Today we did a little review and then took our test.

Devoirs :  Practice names, ages, relationships, nationalities with family tree. Look up list of verbs on Feuille #3 (last bullet point in right column, ER verbs) in back of book or on  Do pg 90-91 #1 (change #5 from “walkman” to “Ipod”).  Type/neatly write your family tree sentences (see project handout) on a paper and be ready to turn in class on Wednesday. Make sure to use both sentence formats I gave you so you have a variety of sentences.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mercredi 05/11

Today we practiced some with family trees and did some review for the test.

A Faire: Quiz partner on questions from Feuille #1, #2, supplementaire (ask question orally, have partner write answer in cahier)

TEC (Travail en classe): Group brainstorm

Devoirs : Study for Quiz ! (Make sure your study practices involve writing since you will be writing on the test!!)  pg 30 #3 (write out dialogue), pg 31 #4 (imagine the conversations, be creative, use variety of vocab)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Lundi 03/11

Today we went over Mme. Reid’s family tree and started practicing with our own family trees.  We practiced asking “Qui est-ce?” and answering with “Voici…”/”C’est…” and asking “Il est français?  Elle est française?” and answering with the correct nationality.  I briefly introduced the dialogue project we will be starting and how to study for the quiz!

Devoirs :  16 visual dictionary entries for words/phrases/questions/answers that you are struggling with! (remember:  NO English, just pictures and French.  Some images for phrases/questions/answers may resemble a comic strip! Question AND answer count as 2.); Use summative dialogue handout and dialogue example (feuille #1) to write at least 10 lines of a rough draft for the dialogue we will be working on in partners.  The more you do at home, the easier the class work will go!!  Study for quiz using feuilles de vocabulaire #1, #2 and the supplement as well as your notes, handouts and book!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mercredi 29/10

Today we practiced some of our question structures using Halloween vocabulary. We did a mini-lesson on how to use the French/English dictionary (online/book) and looked up some Halloween vocabulary.  We discussed our new mini-project and played Loto with our vocab for family and people.

A Faire: Look up the French words on the Halloween word search to find their English meanings.  Do the word search (no articles, find French words) and then fill in Loto board with people vocab.

Devoirs : L’arbre généalogique (family tree) project.  Must complete visual and sentences!  Test next Friday!!  Study and practice!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Lundi 27/10

Today we talked about some vocabulary we’ve been using (ou, et, moi aussi, et toi) and learned some new vocabulary (please, you’re welcome, husband, wife, granddaughter, grandson).  We also learned how to talk about what we like and don’t like (J’aime…/Je n’aime pas…).

Devoirs :  Madame Reid’s family tree (write complete sentences using this sentence format: ____ est le/la ______ de ______.  Do it from the perspective of the person listed).  Write sentences saying 3 things you like and 3 things you don’t like (use vocabulary we’ve been practicing or look it up in your book/ 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Vendredi 24/10

Today we had a substitute in class.  We continued talking about family relationships using some famous family trees (Harry Potter, Modern Family, Donald Duck family).  We also learned some Halloween vocabulary.

A Faire:  Use Harry Potter family tree to write 10 sentences to describe the family relationships using new/familiar vocab.  Follow the sentence pattern:  _Lily__est le/la __fille__de _______

Travail en Classe: PowerPoint: Vocabulaire d'Halloween.  Take notes over vocabulary, answer questions orally for practice!

Devoirs :  8 visual dictionary entries (minimum) for Halloween vocabulary, Use the Duck family tree to write 10 sentences describing family rlationships using sentence pattern from A Faire (Attention:  Duck family tree is upside down, youngest members are on the top and oldest on the bottom (grandparents) PRACTICE!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mercredi 22/10

Today we practiced many of our questions about names, age, and people through different activities.  We also learned some new vocabulary for family and began describing family relationships.  We also did a "Billet de sortie" (exit ticket) at the end of class (must be made up outside of class!)

A Faire: Review packet, back of page 4 (famille de Catherine)

Travail en Classe: PowerPoint: famille et personnes.  Practice talking about the images (imagine the question "qui est-ce?" and "est-ce que tu as ___?"), take notes over the new family vocabulary, practice using new and familiar family vocab to describe family relationships

Devoirs : pg 53 #4 (imagine this is your family, describe your relationship to each person and try using some of the new vocab as well as the familiar stuff and say their ages--follow the model)and pg 52 #2 (answer in complete sentences!)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lundi 20/10

Today in class we continued practicing the question “est-ce que tu as un/une…?” (do you have a…?) and extended it to family vocabulary (un frère/une soeur).  We also discussed French animal names and sounds and how they compare with American/English ones.  We finished up with some discussion of facts about the francophone world (“Flash Culturelle” in packet).

Devoirs :  4th page of packet—front only! (#3 Loto, #4 A votre tour), write 2 original questions using “est-ce que tu as un/une…?” (do you have a…?) to find out if someone has something (animal, person, thing, etc) and « Est-ce que tu préfères  ____ ou ____ ? » to find out someone’s preferences (use any of our vocab!)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Vendredi 17/10

Today we learned some new vocabulary for pets, practiced talking about the ages of people in our family and did our sing-off!

A Faire (warm-up):  take notes over new vocabulary (words and questions/answers) in PowerPoint and anwer the question “est-ce que tu as un/une…?” (do you have a…?)

Devoirs :  8 visual dictionary entries (minimum) for pet vocabulary, do the next 2 pages in packet (front and back, pg 23-24, 47-48), pg 54 (livre) write the English equivalents of the French animal sounds given.  PRACTICE!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mercredi 15/10

Today we started practicing talking about the names and ages of our friends and family.

A Faire (warm-up):  pg 46 #2 (orally in partners), pg 47 #4

Travail en Classe (In-class work):  PowerPoint: Tu connais?  For each picture use the sentence frames on the first 2 slides to say “yes, I know the boy/girl/lady/gentleman. It’s___” or “No, I don’t know the boy/girl/lady/gentleman.”

Devoirs :  pg 47 #5 (write the questions so you can ask your classmates in class, write answers so you can respond to your classmates questions.)  Page 1 of review packet (front and back)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Lundi 13/10

Today we continued talking about preferences and broadened our vocabulary to include family and friends.  We also practiced saying “my” and “your” (mom, dad, dog, etc).  We sang our song as well (Sing off Friday!!)

Devoirs :  Read “Petit Commentaire” and study take notes over green box pg 46.  Do pg 46 #1 (write “this is my___” for each one, pay close attention to the gender of the word to decide between “mon” and “ma”.)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Mercredi 08/10

Today we continued practicing expressing preferences with season, month and day of the week vocabulary.  We also developed some new vocabulary from feuille #2 with a PowerPoint presentation.  We practiced a dialogue and listened (and sang!) to our chanson, Sympatique!

Handouts :  PowerPoint #1, PowerPoint #2

A Faire (warm-up):  Answer 2 questions from each PowerPoint.
PowerPoint #1:  a) Qui est-ce? C’est …(une fille/un garçon/un monsieur/une dame)  b) Tu connais (la fille/le garçon/le monsieur/la dame) ?   Oui, c’est __Madame Reid__

PowerPoint #2 : a) Comment s’appelle-t-il ? Elle ?  Il s’appelle _Napoléon__  Elle s’appelle…  b) Il/Elle est américain(e) ?  Non, Il/Elle est …

Travail en Classe (In-class work)pg 43 #4

Devoirs :  pg 42 #2 & #3, take notes pg 45 (yellow box and note culturelle), read/understand the dialogue pg 44 (don’t look at the English !!)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Lundi 06/10

Today we practiced talking about our preferences in weather (Est-ce que tu préfères la pluie ou le soleil?  Est-ce que tu préfères la froid ou la chaleur?), made corrections to the quizzes we took last Wednesday and went over homework.

Devoirs :  take notes/study the following pages:  pg 38 (green box), pg 39 (purple box), pg 41 (yellow box).  Now read and make sure you understand the dialogue on pg. 40 (don’t look at the English if you can help it!!)

Friday, October 3, 2014

Vendredi 03/10

Today we learned some new vocabulary and questions.  We also talked about the syllabus, grading in this class, and did a participation assessment. At the end, we listened and sang our song “Sympathique”.

A Faire (warm-up):  Answer the “vendredi” questions on the handout, make visual dictionary entries on handout for weather nouns and at least 1 season.

Travail en Classe (In-class work):  pg 38 #2 (write out the mini-conversations for each picture in #1, practice out loud with your partner)

Devoirs :  pg 38 #1 (use copain/copine and names of people), pg 38 #3 (write whole sentence using un/une as appropriate), practice and study vocabulary, make up missing work!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Back to School Night

Merci d’être venu!  Thanks for coming !

Here are links to the resources I shared with you:

Syllabus                      Ways to do well in a Language Class

Linguafolio                 French Class Commitments for Success

Your support is so important!  Please encourage your resident Frenchie to practice as much as possible and ask him/her about what we’re doing in French class!

Want to support French at Grant??  See the tab “Support French at Grant” on my website (

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Mercredi 01/10

Today we did some review for the quiz by doing some speaking activities and playing “Loto” 

Devoirs : 
     1.      Do both sides of handout (crossword: when you say 200, 300, 400, etc. in French, you actually say two hundredS (deux centS), so you may need to write an “s” on some.  If it is 250 or any number that is not an even hundred, you don’t need the “s”.  Ex:  deux cent cinquante.  Phone numbers: the lines and boxes on the handout are a little screwed up, just write the numbers somewhere on there in the French style!)

     2.      Read and take detailed notes over pg 37, including the Note Culturelle!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Lundi 29/09

Today in class we continued practicing nationalities and where people are from and added the question “Quel âge as-tu?  J’ai _#_ ans”.

Devoirs :  prepare pg 20 #1 for yourself and include your age (be able to share this in class!), Feuille #1 Review handout, fill in Loto board with numbers 50-100 (use the digits and I’ll say the words), STUDY FOR VOCAB QUIZ ON WEDNESDAY!!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Vendredi 26/09

Today in class we practiced talking about nationalities and where people are from (Tu es de Paris?  Non, je suis de Portland!)  We did some number practice by asking questions about birthdays and phone numbers and played a dice game called “Cent”.  At the end, we listened to and sang our song “Sympathique”.

A Faire:  pg 20 #2 (write out answers saying that each student is French and which city he/she is from—pay close attention to masculine/feminine versions of French!).  Pg 53 #6 (orally)

Devoirs :  Study for vocab quiz on Wednesday next week!, pg 21 #3 (write question and answer, you’ll need this vocab as well:  canadien/canadienne, anglais/anglaise), pg 31 #5 (write out the prompts of the dialogue and bring to class for further development), Read about “la Francophonie” in your brochure handout (back of 1st page) and take notes about key points/ideas/facts.  PRACTICE!!
Beginning of year survey: Cliquez ici/Click here!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Mercredi 24/09

Today in class we practiced the rest of the vocabulary on the “feuille de vocabulaire 1”  We did lots of speaking practice in partners and played “Loto” to review and practice some vocabulary. 

Devoirs :  Study feuille/notes for vocab quiz, do pg 51 #6 in the book, make 8 visual dictionary entries (you should still have the back side of the paper I gave you last time.  You need an image and the French word/term/expression only—NO English!)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Lundi 22/09

Today I addressed any struggles students were having with the project as well as citing images in the bibliography.  We reviewed days, months and practiced numbers 0-100.

Devoirs :  write your phone number in French style (503-916-5160 = and practice saying it, study/practice numbers, do pg 39 #5 (write out words for the French phone numbers and say them out loud).  

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Vendredi 19/09

Today we practiced numbers, days, months and how to ask and answer the question “C’est quand ton anniversaire?” (When is your birthday?).  I also explained more details about the project like formatting (how to make your brochure), citations (citing the CIA website), and how to look up the name of your country.  You can find this info on the Grant Library Blog (Cliquez ici!/Click here! Find MME REID in “Class Connections”) and some below.  Final brochures and bibliographies are due WEDNESDAY!

New project info:
Citing the CIA World Factbook:
“Cameroon.”  The World Factbook.  Central Intelligence Agency, 22 Jun. 2014. Web.  19 Sept. 2014.

Looking up your country name:
m = masculine (le, l’)
f = feminine (la, l’)
pl = plural (les)

Formatting :
Cut & paste, type or write neatly

Computer:  Microsoft publisher or Word (File => New => Templates => brochures (travel))

Devoirs :  *Work on brochure (final due Wednesday)                                                           
*Practice!! (dialogue presentations and vocab quiz coming VERY soon!)                          
*Pg 51 #5 (answer the question “Quelle est la date?” in each one.  You must use complete sentences—follow the pattern in the example or how we talk about the date in class—and WRITE OUT the numbers!)
*Be able to answer the question “C’est quand ton anniversaire?” ( I will ask you in class Monday)
*Make sure you have your binder/cahier set up, I will be doing checks next week.
*Did you do the beginning of the year survey yet??  Cliquez ici/Click here to complete—it is worth points!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Mercredi 17/09

Today we started researching our Francophone countries in the Library.  Madame Battle from la bibliotheque came and shared about some great “one stop shopping” spots to get country information.  Check it out on the Grant Library Blog (Cliquez ici!/Click here!) and find MME REID in “Class Connections”.  You will have about an hour more for research in the library on Friday.  I will go over citations, looking up your country name and how to make your brochure on Friday too.

Devoirs :  pg 25 #5 (write out numbers and then practice outloud, use what you know to do the 50s!), on p. 24 in ton livre and figure out 2 other ways to ask the question “ça va?”, do research at home or school (library, tutorial, my room) if you need more than an hour to finish up!  PRACTICE!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lundi 15/09

Today in class we practiced “Ça va?” and numbers up to 50.  We also learned about our first culture project, starting Wednesday.

Devoirs :  Choose a country from the list for Francophone country project, do pg 33 (write the list of the English versions of the cities in the US and match them to the French equivalents!), do 8 visual dictionary entries for vocab on “feuille de vocab” (NO ENGLISH, only an image and the term in French)—choose words that you’re struggling with!  Find out what the following abbreviations mean in French and English:  M./Mme./Mlle.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Vendredi 12/09

Today in class we learned how to ask and anwer the question “Ça va?” (how are you?), practiced the dialogue on the “feuille” using different identities (from pg 17 #5) and incorporating “Ça va?”, went over the book scavenger hunt and resources in the textbook, and practiced numbers up to 20.  At the end, we went over the words to our song “Sympathique”.

A Faire:  pg 25 #4 (make sure you label this in your cahier/notebook!)

Devoirs :  Supplies/set up binder; online survey (see Wednesday’s post for link); practice alphabet/spelling, numbers (up to 50 if you want to try it out!), dialogue, days of the week, weather, etc; write out 5 phone numbers in cahier and practice saying them, do pg 25 #3 in the book (make sure you label this!!) using “Ça va”; Do pg 33 (write the list of the English versions of the cities in the US and match them to the French equivalents!)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Mercredi 10/09

                    Bienvenue au blog de français 1-2 de l’année 2014-2015!
Today in class we got a seating chart/new seat partners.  We also practiced talking about the weather and the date.  We reviewed letter sounds and spelling with a survey in class (asking people a question in English but getting a oui/non, asking for their name and it’s spelling in French.  We also talked about how to set up a French binder and the cahier (notebook for written work and notes.

A Faire:  pg 49 #3

Devoirs :  Beginning of the year survey (Cliquez ici/Click here!), get supplies/set up binder, Practice: alphabet/spelling, numbers (up to 20 if you want to try it out!), dialogue, days of the week, weather OUT LOUD!!!