Friday, May 29, 2015

Vendredi 29/05

Today we reviewed “aller + infinitive” and IR verbs.  We also learned the last group of regular verbs, RE, and how to conjugate them.  We went over and started our final project, a dialogue.

A Faire: pg 280 #9 (Write sentences describing who is waiting for who.  Remember that “for” is already built into the verb “attendre”!)

TEC :  Dialogue work time

Devoirs : Leçon 28 handout (front/back), practice “maison de rêve” and “mon quartier” for oral interviews starting Monday (use questions for “maison de rêve” that we’ve been practicing and be able to give directions from the “X-vous êtes ici” to all places on your “mon quartier” map)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mercredi 27/05

Today we reviewed IR verbs, place vocabulary, and the “Maison de Rêve” questions.  We also went over some previous homework (pg 204 #7)

A Faire:  Leçon 27 handout #2 (read the context sentence then write and affirmative or negative sentence using the appropriate conjugation of the verb in parentheses, be logical!)

Handouts:  Leçon 27 handout

Devoirs : Leçon 27 handout #1 (use pgs 248-250 for vocab), Leçon 22 packet back page #5 & #6, practice “Maison de Rêve”, finish “Mon Quartier” if not turned in today!!  (Interviews start very soon!)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Vendredi 22/05

Today we had a substitute.  We reviewed IR verbs, and started a new mini-project in class.

Handouts:  Mon Quartier

A Faire: pg 268 #2

TEC :  Mini-Project: Mon Quartier.  See handout! Be sure to label your project with “Le Quartier de _(ton nom)_”

Devoirs finish “mon quartier” for turn in on Wed, pg 268 #3 (questions personnelles: complete sentences, look for clues in the questions to help you answer! Bring struggles to class on Wed)  Study all verb conjugations (regular/irregular), practice dream house!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mercredi 20/05

Today we reviewed using “aller (conjugated) + infinitive”, “à + le/l’/la”, practiced talking about our ”maison de rêve” and learned how to conjugate IR verbs and some vocabulary (pg 268 + grandir and rougir).

A Faire:  Pg 208 #2 (write only the lines that change in each dialogue, then do orally in partners)

TEC207 #11 (orally in partners), Ma Maison de Rêve practice time

Devoirs pg 268 #1 (use the verb “finir”, it tells you whether to make the sentence aff/neg), pg 209 #4 (aller + infinitive, you and your friend—so use “nous” form!)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Lundi 18/05

We practiced using “aller (conjugated) + infinitive” to discuss what we are “going to do” (in the near future) and took a verb test.

A Fairepg 207 #12 (choose a piece from each column to put together logical sets of sentences saying where people are, what they have, and what they are going to do—use the verbs given as the glue for your sentences!)

Devoirs :  finish A Faire ( I will be checking for this!), pg 206 #10 (say where each person is going/going to visit)

Friday, May 15, 2015

Vendredi 15/05

Today we got new seats, practiced talking about our “Maison de Reve”, practiced using “chez”, wrapped up Paris Top 10 and played Battleship to practice verb conjugations for the verb test on Monday.

A Faire: pg 205 #8 (use chez and a conjugation of aller to make sentences)

TEC :  Practice asking your partner questions about his/her dream house… Use the following questions (these are some of the questions for the oral interview as well):
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a au rez-de-chaussée/premier étage/deuxième étage/sous-sol ?
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a en haut/en bas ?
Quelles pièces préfères-tu ?
*Qu’est-ce que tu fais quand tu es à ______ ? (don’t forget contractions with “à” if necessary!)
(*for this one, no matter what sentences you wrote, you should be able to answer for la cuisine, le living/salon, ta chambre, la salle à manger)

Devoirs pg 205 #9 (put together sentences by conjugating verb and using chez to say at whose house it’s happening), pg 204 #7 6-10 (complete sentences, answer all questions, look for clues to answer!), Study for verb test (etre/avoir/faire/aller/ER)!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mercredi 13/05

We learned that  “à + le/l’/la” are not only used to say in/at/to places but also with verbs like “parler/téléphoner à” to mean talking/phoning to someone/people.  We discussed the project (be sure to read directions carefully!!) and had some work time.  Then learned how to use “chez” to describe the houses/homes of different people.

*Add the following sentence frames to the writing part A for talking about the outdoor features of your house:  Dans le jardin, il y a…  -or-   À l’exterieur, il y a…

A FairePaquet Leçon 22 #3 (back of first page)

TECMa Maison de Rêve work time.

Devoirs Paquet Leçon 22 #4 (page 3 of packet), Finish project and be ready to use completed visual in class on Friday.  Study for verb test (être, avoir, faire, aller, ER) on Monday.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Lundi 11/05

Today we went over some of the questions from the homework and practiced them in partners, did some oral practice, and had some project work time.

TECpg 203 #5 (do orally in partners)

Handouts:  Paquet Leçon 22

Devoirs :  Paquet Leçon 22 front page only ! (#1, #2)

Vendredi 08/05

Today, We had a substitute.  We did some in-class speaking and writing practice and then started a mini-project.

A Faire: pg 201 #2 (say the people don’t go to class, say where they do go) Practice out loud in partners

TEC :  pg 203 #4 (orally in partners), start work on project !

Devoirs pg 203 #6 (say where each person is going to based on context), study/take notes pg 204, pg 204 #7 1-5 only! (complete sentences, look for clues in the questions to help you answer!)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mercredi 06/05

We practiced extensively how to ask for/give directions, reviewed “à + places”, learned the new verb aller (pg 200) and some additional vocabulary for places in the city.

A Fairepg 202 #3 (write question using est-ce que and the answer. Top image is for the question, bottom is for the answer. Say where they are actually going.  Do orally in partners)

TECWith the new place vocabulary (last 8 slides), write a sentence using a different subject/conjugation of “aller” and the correct form of à + article for each of the places in the new places. 

Devoirs : pg 201 #1 (read the sentences about each person’s nationality and write which city they are going home to.  à + city)  pg 203 #4 (*need this for warm-up at beginning of class on Friday!! Questions should be structured as : Est-ce que tu préfères aller ____ ou _____? And answers : Je préfère aller ________, using correct forms of à + places given)

Monday, May 4, 2015

Lundi 04/05

Today we learned some vocabulary for talking about our house.

A Faire:  pg 195 #7 (say that some of these rooms are upstairs and some downstairs, in complete sentences.

Devoirs :  pg 195 #8 (read context, say where the people are, use correct conjugation of etre for the subject given!!)  study/practice all verb conjugations and meanings as well as our new vocabulary for la ville et la maison!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Vendredi 01/05

Today, we continued our work with places and learned to ask for and give directions.  We also watched more of Paris Top 10.

A Faire: pg 193 #5 (write out the mini dialogue for the places/info given, do orally in partners)

HandoutsLeçon 21 handout

Devoirs Leçon 21 handout—front and back!  Study verbs (we’ll be adding a new one next week!!) and vocabulary.