Friday, January 29, 2016

Jeudi 28/01

We listened to our song, reviewed how to say at what time appointments/activities are, and started a dialogue project in partners/small groups.

ObjectifStudents will be able to ask for and say at what time activities are happening

A Faire:   See handouts for image of board…Write a question and answer for each activity listed asking when is the event and saying at what time it is.  Follow this pattern:  A quelle heure est _(l’activité)_?  _(l’activité)_ est à _ (l’heure)_.

TEC (Travail en Classe)Work time on partner/group dialogue (see handouts for criteria)

Devoirs :  2 worksheets (l'heure et le temps) front and back!  Be sure to read directions!!  Study/practice vocabulary, expressions, invitations, etc.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Mardi 26/01

Today we listened to our song and practiced our dialogue.  We reviewed inviting and accepting/declining invitations as well as telling time.  We finished with a listening activity about time where we listened to some mini-dialogues.

ObjectifStudents will be able to invite and accept/decline invitations as well as tell time

A Faire:   See handout

TEC (Travail en Classe)Listening activity (see handout)

Handouts :  Time handout #1

Devoirs :  Finish Time handout #1, study vocabulary/invitations/time!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Mercredi/Jeudi 13-14/01

We listened to our song, practiced our dialogue. Learned how to make crêpes and then enjoyed our crêpe party.

ObjectifStudents will learn to invite and accept invitations

A FaireTake detailed notes over the PowerPoint

*teaspoon = une cuillère à café, cup = une tasse

DevoirsCrossword/review worksheet (both sides), review vocabulary (verbs, likes/preferences, invitations, accepting/declining invitations.)  Practice dialogue

Friday, January 15, 2016

Vendredi 15/01

Today we learned to decline invitations and continued practicing inviting and accepting presentations.  We also finished our film and planned our crêpe party for next week during finals.

ObjectifStudents will learn to decline invitations

A Faire:  pg 94 #9, write the invitation with an “avec moi” and the excuse, practice out loud.

TEC :   Finish movie activities

Devoirs:  pg 95 #1 (write the invitation and the excuse from the choices given, practice this out loud!!), study vocabulary (verbs, invitations, feuilles de vocabulaire 1 & 2), practice dialogue out loud.  Maybe you are also revising family tree sentences and/or preparing for test reatakes.



Crêpe recipe…if you would like, but I’ll make the batter for the partyJ

Pâte à crêpes              (makes 10-15)
2 eggs              2 c.  2% milk              2 tsp. vanilla extract              2 c. flour         1 pinch salt

Break eggs in salad bowl and add pinch of salt and vanilla (or other flavoring).  Mix. Then add flour little by little and milk.  Mix well.  Refrigerate overnight if possible.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Mercredi 13/01

Today, we practiced our dialogue, did some practice with “je voudrais” (I would like) to express wishes and learned how to invite and accept invitations.  We also started our new song.

ObjectifStudents will learn to invite and accept invitations

A Faire:  pg 93 #7 (  Express 4 things you wish using Je voudrais…  you can change the names of famous people)

Handouts :   Sympathique

Devoirs:  pg 94 #8 (write the invitation and accept it using a variety of the phrases  we learned in class/in box on top of page), continue practicing dialogue, study vocabulary

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Lundi 11/01

We reviewed saying what we like and prefer and our verb vocabulary pg 90-91.  We took a quiz over the verbs, went over the final exam/retakes and how to say “I want/don’t want/would like.”  We were able to watch some of our film as well.

ObjectifStudents will demonstrate knowledge of verb vocabulary.

A Faire:  pg 93 #6 (Je voudrais…)

Devoirspg 93 #5 (Je veux/Je ne veux pas...), continue to study verbs, practice dialogue, practice for family tree interview.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Jeudi 07/01

We reviewed how to talk about what we prefer and like/don’t like and the verbs pg 90-91, then went over the new dialogue on Feuille #2.

ObjectifStudents will be able to talk about things they like and prefer

A Fairepg 90-91 #1—write a complete sentence saying what you like and prefer in each of the scenarios given.

Devoirspg 95 #3 (say 1 like/1 dislike for each scenario), study verbs pg 90-91 (vocab quiz on Monday!), start practicing dialogue.  Continue practicing for family tree interview if you have not completed it yet (I will continue these next week!