Friday, December 20, 2013

Semaine de 16/12-20/12

Lundi 16/12:  Today, with a substitute, we practiced adjectives (describing words).  We did “feuille de la semaine” questions as well.

A Faire:  adjective/name acrostic.  On a piece of plain white paper, write name then add…
*use at least 8 adjectives to describe yourself
*Make adjective agreements when necessary!!
*Must color
*Must write legibly/be able to clearly read name/adjectives
*Can decorate
*Can use first/middle/last names
*Can build only on name or off other adjectives too.
*W, K are almost impossible…can use a noun if you insist on using these letters.

Handouts:  Adjective handout

Devoirs:  Finish acrostic, pg 139 #1 (write a sentence saying if the person is/isn’t the adjective given, make agreements! If you don’t know the person, choose some other famous person to describe.)

Mercredi 18/12: Today, with a substitute, we practiced more adjectives and vocabulary from “feuille de la semaine” in writing and out loud.

A Faire:  feuille de la semaine” questions, practice in partners

TEC:  Choose 3 people in your life to describe.  Use adjective handout, vocab in notes, sheets of the week, and text book as resources.      
Must include for each person: (in complete sentences)
-basic information like name, age, relationship to you (family, friend, classmate?)  Option to include nationality or other things.
-describe the person physically using adjectives; include hair color, height (see sheet of the week) and at least 2 others.
-describe the person’s personality using a minimum of 2 adjectives from “feuille de la semaine” #14/15 and at least 2 others of your choice (see book/adjective handout)
-3 things the person likes/doesn’t like to do and where
-picture of the person (drawn, cut out, printed) with attributes or symbols representing all the sentences written.
*Do on white printer paper. Put all 3 pics of people on front and writing on back (but must not show through!!!) 

Devoirs:   Finish Travail en Classe, be ready to turn it in !

Vendredi 20/12: Today we watched the movie Yamakasi and turned in the descriptions of the 3 people.

Devoirs:  Watch a French movie (not an American movie dubbed in French !).  It must be in French and you may of course use English subtitles.  Write a summary of the film (at least 1 large paragraph) and another paragraph as a review of the film (was it good/bad/interesting/etc? why?  Did you like it? Why? Would you recommend it? Why/for whom?).

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Vendredi 13/12

Today we went over the new vocab on the feuille de la semaine, practiced using adjectives and learned about some common classroom commands on a PowerPoint.
A Faire:  pg 139 #2 (Write a short description of each person using the picture shown and the following the model.  Describe the person with at least 2 adjectives)

Handouts:  feuille de la semaine 14/15

TEC:  Take notes over PowerPoint  (Click here for it!)

Devoirs:  Write 10 sentences, double spaced, using “Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas faire” side of handout (front). Vary the expressions you use to start your sentences.  At least 7 sentences must include “où”, “avec qui” or both!  *Handout given out on Monday.

Reminder:  I will not be available in Tutorial on Tuesday!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Lundi 09/12

Today we asked classmates questions 7-10 of the Thanksgiving survey, and practiced saying where people are using new places vocab.

A Faire:  Write a 1 sentence answer to the question on each slide of the PowerPoint.

DevoirsWrite 10 sentences, double spaced, using “Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire” side of handout. Vary the expressions you use to start your sentences.  At least 7 sentences must include “où”, “avec qui” or both!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Vendredi 06/12

With a substitute today, students learned new places vocabulary (2nd column of feuille de la semaine) and did some oral practice.  Then made a mini-vocabulary book.  
A Faire:  make « une livrette de vocabulaire: les endroits »  Put 3 pieces of white paper together, fold into ¼ (half then half).  Staple along long side.  Cut connected pages (scissors in cupboard by closet).  Criteria/Must have:
a.       Title « une livrette de vocabulaire: les endroits”  and name on front. 
b. Each new “places” vocab word (sheet of the week) on its own page with word written legibly and big enough to read clearly. *You can choose your own “à + proper name, doesn’t have to be Paris 
c.       Image to represent the meaning 
d.      A complete sentence using place.  You could write:  what you/family/friends do at each place, what they/family/friends like/can/must do there.  Be creative with what you know how to say/write! 
e.       Color and decorate as you like!

Devoirs:  Finish “livrette de vocabulaire” to turn in on Monday.  Do “feuille de la semaine” questions for vendredi.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mercredi 04/12

Today we practiced some new vocabulary (1st column of feuille de la semaine) particularly “tu connais…?" (see PowerPoint-click here).  We also listened to our song.
A Faire:  pg 42 #2 (write question with le/la instead of un/une and a yes answer for each.

Devoirs:  weather crossword and questions on back of feuille de la semaine for mercredi

Monday, December 2, 2013

Lundi 02/12

Today we reviewed some questions and vocabulary.  We also started a survey.

A Faire:  write the questions and your answers to the questions for 1-6 on the “sondage”.

Devoirs:  write the questions and your answers to the questions for 7-10 on the “sondage”.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Vendredi 22/11

Today I did oral interviews while the class worked with Mme. Pallier practicing accepting and declining invitations, talking about likes/dislikes and listening to our song.

A Faire:  pg 95 #1

Devoirs:  Practice French for a family member/adult 3 different times for 10 min each.  Have the adult sign in your cahier!  *You may practice up to 2 extra times for some extra credit…be sure to get extra signatures!  Watch French movies and listen to French music!!

Bonnes Vacances!!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mercredi 20/11

Today we learned ways to invite people to do things and how to accept/decline invitations.  We started oral interviews with the family trees and listened to a new song.

A Faire:  Sheet of the week questions, worksheet

Devoirspractice family tree and be sure to have it in class every day, pg 94 #9 (write questions and answers)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lundi 18/11

Today we practiced family trees and learned a new question “Est-ce que tu veux…?”.

A Faire:  Sheet of the week questions, write questions only for activity pg. 94 #8.

DevoirsTake notes pg 94, pg 95 #3, practice family tree (interviews start Wednesday!)

Friday, November 15, 2013

Vendredi 15/11

Today we practiced saying what we like to do using our new verbs, we practiced family trees, we learned how to say “I want” (je veux…), “I don’t want” (je ne veux pas…), and “I would like” (je voudrais…).  Then we played “Loto” with verbs.

A Faire:  pg 93 #6 (imagine you are the people thinking of what you would like to do, use je voudrais…)

Devoirs:  pg 93 #5, Practice family tree, be able to say these things: Here is____/Voici _____,
His/her name is____/Il/Elle s’appelle_____,  He/she is ______yrs old/Il/Elle a _______ ans, and choose 8 people (put a star next to them on your tree) and be able to say what they like to do using verbs (each must be different).  

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mercredi 13/11

Today we learned some new verbs, practiced talking about what family members like to do, and worked on dialogue scripts in partners.

Devoirspractice family tree and be sure to have it in class every day for practice (oral testing will start next week!), learn/memorize new verbs and verbs pg 90-91 (feuille #9) for “Loto”, do visual dictionary entries for the new verbs introduced today.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Mercredi 06/11

Today we practiced the new family vocabulary we learned Monday and talked about the word “qui” and the articles “le, la, l’, les”.

A Faire:  Family tree question handout.  Write a complete sentence saying how the people are related to the person in bold (C’est…)

Devoirs:  1)  Practice your family tree orally: be able to say who each person is to you, their name and age, 2)  Choose 6 people from your family tree and write what they like to do (use verbs on sheet of the week #9)  EX:  Mon père aime.../Ma soeur aime...  3)  do pg 42 #1 (choose le, la, l’, les)

Lundi 04/11

Today there was a substitute.  We went over homework and practiced asking/answering the questions, practiced talking about family trees, and worked on a packet with more extensive family vocabulary.

A Faire:  Family packet…  read front page, take notes over vocab pg 2, identify in French the people on the family tree pg 2, do exercises A-E (you can try F-H but are not required to do it).

Devoirs:  Finish family packet exercises A-E

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Vendredi 01/11

Today we corrected quizzes (to earn partial credit back and learn from mistakes!) and added our new verbs to the visual dictionary.
A Faire:  Add the new verbs (see sheet of the week) to visual dictionary.

Devoirs:  pg 92 #3.  Write questions (follow the model) and your answers.

Calendars accepted only until Wednesday!

Quiz corrections must be completed in tutorial!

Tardy detentions must be served by Wednesday or they double!
Turn in bathroom passes and extra credit coupons by Thursday!


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mercredi 30/10

Today we learned to say we like/dislike certain things (–ER verbs) from a powerpoint.  We also did a Halloween vocabulary word search.

A Faire:  PowerPoint (Click HERE!)  Take notes over new verbs and write whether you like or dislike doing those things in a sentence.

Devoirs:  pg 90-91 #1

Monday, October 28, 2013

Lundi 28/10

Today we discussed the differences in sounds between French/English.  We looked particularly at animal sounds.  We also started a dialogue mini-project.

A Faire:  predict the sounds of 3 other animals in French, pg 55—match up the sounds with the pictures.

Travail en Classe (TEC):  Dialogue
Criteria:  greet eachother, introduce eachother, nice to meet you, birthdays, ages, question/answer of choice, goodbyes.

Devoirs:  find 2 new French sounds to share (use the internet!), pg 52 #1 (match the question/answer, write them out!)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Vendredi 25/10

Today we did a short review, took a quiz, then played “Loto”.
Devoirs:  pg 49 #3 (say goodbye and see you on the day listed), look at pg 54 and write the English equivalents of the sounds in French!  Practice family tree.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mercredi 23/10

Today we practiced again listening and spelling words and phone numbers and then we spent some time working on the review packet in preparation for the quiz on Friday.

A Faire:  listening activity where Mme. Reid spelled out words and gave phone numbers

Devoirs:  Finish review packet.  Be sure to read and take notes over “FLASH Culturel” 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lundi 21/10

Today we practiced talking about pets some more.  We did a listening activity with spelling and phone numbers and started working on a review packet.

A Faire:  listening activity where Mme. Reid spelled out words and gave phone numbers

Handouts:  Review packet

Devoirs:  Do first 2 pages, front and back, of review packet.  Be sure to read and take notes over “FLASH Culturel”, Study for Quiz!!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Vendredi 18/10

Today we reviewed weather, days, months, seasons and questions” about the names and ages of others (family, friends, pets).  We learned some new animal and question vocabulary in a PowerPoint (Click here to view): “Est-ce que tu as _une tortue? Oui, j’ai _une tortue.  Non, je n’ai pas de (d’) _tortue”, and Les animaux domestiques.   We also practiced talking about the nationalities of others (Il est américain/Elle est américaine).

Handouts:  Review worksheet

A Faire:  Take notes over new vocabulary in PowerPoint, write your answer to each of the questions about the pets you have/don’t have.  Click here for PowerPoint!

Travail en Classe (TEC):  1. Practice talking about the people on your family tree saying who they are to you, name and age.  Follow this model: “voici mon père.  Il s’appelle Jerry.  Il a soixante cinq ans.  2.  review worksheet  

Devoirs :  Practice out loud 15 minutes each day.  Practice talking about family tree (following model in TEC), share family tree with an adult family member and get their signature, do page 43 #4 (say whether each person is French, English, or American).  Study (sheets of the week/notes/book) for Quiz next week!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mardi 15/10

Today we continued talking about the names and ages of different people in our families and that we know.  We continued developing the family tree mini-project and did some number/phone number oral quizzes.

A Faire:  write sentences for family tree.  For each person, you will say “This is my dad/mom/sister/etc”, “His/her name is _____” and “He/she is this many years old.”  Follow this format:  Voici _(mon père/ma mère)_.  Il/Elle s’appelle ________.  Il/Elle a _#_ ans.

Devoirs :  pg 53 #4, finish « arbre généalogique » and A Faire sentences if not already done !  Study sheets of the week and notes for quiz next week!

Annonce:  French Travel Club trip meeting this Thursday (10/17) in room 126!  Students and parents welcome!!  Please RSVP to Mme. Reid if you plan to attend!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

French Travel Club Information Meeting

Interested in traveling to France and Monaco this June??

French Travel Club Information Meeting for parents and students!
Thursday, October 17th, 7pm
Room 126 (Grant HS)
For more information, go to my website and click on the French Travel Club page!

RSVP by Wednesday 10/16 to: 

Mercredi 09/10

Today we practiced talking about the names and ages of different people in our families and that we know.  We started a family tree mini-project and number/phone number oral quizzes.
A Faire:  pg 47 #4, write the ages of the people on their birthdays by following this format:        (name) a _#_ ans.

Handouts:  Family tree mini-project

Devoirs :  pg 47 #5 (write question and answer!)  Quiz next Friday!  Study:  days, months, the date, weather, people/family, questions, aujourd/hui/demain, sheets of the week, nationalities, preferences.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Lundi 07/10

Today we practiced the vocabulary on pg 37 (les personnes, Qui est-ce? C’est…) and 45 (la famille/les animaux domestiques) and some other family vocabulary with a powerpoint.  We talked about how to talk about “your” and “my” friend/brother/mother/etc.  We practiced answering “Comment s’appelle ton ami? Ton père? Ta mère?” (“Mon père s’appelle…./ma mère s’appelle…”).  Then we had some time to study numbers for the number quizzes starting Wednesday.

A Faire:  powerpoint sentences

Travail en Classe (TEC):  pg 46 #2, write question and the answer (complete sentences)

Devoirs:  write out pg 46 #1, choose 6 family members (real or imaginary) and write sentences telling who they are to you (père/mère/frère/soeur?) and their name. (Ex.  Mon frère s’appelle Jacob.)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Vendredi 03/10

Today we practiced using the vocabulary on pg.37.  We also discussed the difference between un copain/mon copain and  une copine/ma copine, the masculine/feminine articles in front of nouns in French, and compared the usage of voici/voilà.  We did oral practice with pg 38 #1 and #2.  We played "loto" with numbers 70-100.
A Faire:  pg 38 #3 (choose whether to put the masculine or feminine article into the sentence—write entire sentence!  Also, pg 39 #4 (use other vocab pg 37 for gentleman/lady, boy/girl and names).  Do orally with a partner.

Devoirs :  Practice out loud 15 minutes each day.  Study sheets of the week for quiz coming next week, add “la famille” and “les animaux domestiques” (pg 45) to visual dictionary.  Read “Note Culturelle” pg 45 and write short summary, in your own words, of what you understood.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Back to School Night

Contact Information and Class Resources:
Madame Reid:
Click here for a copy of:  Syllabus, Parent Letter, and ClassExpectations/Policies

Goals:        -Provide a safe and comfortable environment where students can take risks
                          and make mistakes
                        -Help students learn to speak, comprehend, read, and write
                        -Keep lessons practical (based on real life scenarios) and relevant to
                         students’ lives (appeal to their interests and future goals)
                        -Emphasis on culture of French-speaking world
                        -Make learning French fun!

The Class:   -Activity/Project based  (learning through experience!)
                        -Start controlled and become more open-ended
                        -Lots of in class oral practice as well as listening, reading and writing

Expectations:  -Students are focused, engaged and active participants
                        -Homework 20-30 min/night.  Practice out loud every day for 15 min minimum!
                        -Organization:  binder/notebook
                                    -Build resource binder
                                    -Notebook (spiral/composition) for warm-ups, HW & in-class

Finals policy 
-4 or fewer absences (of any kind) and final exam cannot hurt grade, 2 tardies=1 absence
            *incentive for regular attendance

Mercredi 02/10

Today we practiced talking more about preferences (préfères-tu…? Je préfère…) using familiar vocabulary for days, months, seasons, and weather.  We also practiced numbers 70-100 and phone numbers.  We started using the new vocabulary found on page 37 (Qui est-ce? C’est un garçon/une fille).

A Faire:  pg 53 #6, write then say with a partner

Handouts:  Syllabus 

Devoirs :  pg 38 #1 but follow this example and not the one in the book.  Example:  Christine, c’est une copine.  Also add the vocabulary for “Les Personnes” (pg 37) only to visual dictionary.  Consider drawing/using pics of real people!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Lundi 30/09

Today we practiced talking about phone numbers again and more about preferences (préfères-tu….?)

A Faire:  pg 51 #6 (write out the numbers!)

Devoirs:  notes over yellow box pg 37, read note culturelle and write a brief summary explaining what you understood in your own words.  Practice numbers!! Oral number quiz next week!!

Annonces:  Last day for late/missing stamps is this Friday!  Quiz next week!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Vendredi 27/09

Today we reviewed date, weather, age and birthday vocab.  We learned the words (nouns) for rain, clouds, snow, the sun, the heat, the cold and how to talk about our preferences for the weather.  We practiced numbers and telephone numbers and we learned ways to be successful in a foreign language class.

A Faire:  pg 73 #6 (follow model to write the date, season and weather), write 2 goals for 1st semester French in “semester 1” box on goal sheet.

Devoirs :  visual dictionary for all weather vocab (pg 71 + windy, and all nouns introduced today), also pg 43 #5 (write and say)  PRACTICE!!!