Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Mercredi 30/03

We listened to our new song, reviewed être and did some speaking practice with it.  We continued our video “Paris Top 10.”

ObjectifStudents will continue to practice the verb être.

A Faire:   pg 105 #3 (write out the dialogues and practice out loud)

TEC:  Paris Top 10 (video)

Devoirs :  pg 105 #5  (write sentences saying where you are in these circumstances, use different places, you may need to make some generalizations!)

All missing work must be turned in by Monday 4/4/16 (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!)

All quizzes must be made up this week!! 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Lundi 28/03

We talked about our vacations, learned 2 new expressions “n’est-ce pas” and “être d’accord”, took a quiz and started watching a cultural video about Paris.

ObjectifStudents will learn new expressions to use with questions and être.

A Faire:   pg 111 #6—write questions and answers, practice out loud

TEC:  Paris Top 10 (video)

Handouts :  Paris Top 10 Questions

Devoirs :  pg 102 #8 (conjugate the être of être d’accord for the subjects given.  Frowning face means they don't agree, so make those sentences negative!)

All missing work must be turned in by Monday 4/4/16 (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!)

All quizzes must be made up this week!! 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Jeudi 17/03

We did a little speaking practice and then had our fête de crêpe!

ObjectifStudents will celebrate with crepes!

Devoirs :  Study vocab over places (from PowerPoint and book)  for quiz on Monday !   pg 104 #1 (choose the best response carefully!) & #2 write a sentence saying where each person is, use subject given)

Bonnes Vacances!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Mardi 15/03

We reviewed questions with “qui” and using être in negative sentences.  We went over some homework and took a quiz.

ObjectifStudents will review negation with être.

A Faire:   pg 103 #10 (write a sentence explaining that the people are NOT at the place listed in partentheses)

Devoirs :  notes pg 103 yellow box, pg 103 #9 (rewrite ENTIRE sentence with correct word from yellow box!)  FETE DE CREPE JEUDI!!!

Vendredi 11/03

We had a substitute.  We did lots of oral practice with questions and être, learned to use être in negative sentences, and played Battleship to review verb conjugations.

ObjectifStudents will practice questions and answers with être and ER verbs.

A Faire:   pg 122 #6—write your responses to the questions (whether or not you do the activities)

TEC:  pg 102 #7 (answer negatively to all!)

Devoirs :  pg 110 #4 : write question using « où » and conjugation of être.  Write an answer saying where they are and what they are doing using places & être/ER verb in parentheses. (You might put the example on the board as you explain this.)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Mercredi 09/03

: Today we learned some new expressions (pg 101), practiced être/ER verbs/place vocabulary and worked on forming different kinds of questions (using “où” and “qui,” pg 122).

ObjectifStudents will practice describing where people are.

A Faire:   Write a sentence for each PowerPoint slide answering the question (saying where the people are!)

TEC:  Rewrite the following questions in French…
      1)      Who is in class?  2) Who watches Game of Thrones?  3) Who plays tennis?  4) Who eats pizza? (la pizza) 5) Who eats at the café?  6) Who studies at the library? 7) Who listens to Justin Bieber?  8) Who works?  9) Who speaks Spanish? 10) Who organizes a party?

Devoirs :  pg 122 #6 (write questions using “Qui”), Study : être, question words, ER verbs/conjugations, subject pronouns (quiz coming!)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Lundi 07/03

We reviewed the verb être (to be) and forming questions.  We learned some new vocabulary for common places and practiced using it with être to describe where people are.  We played Loto at the end to review the vocabulary.

ObjectifStudents will learn place vocabulary.

A Faire:   pg 100 #4 write question & answers, do orally in partners.

TEC:  Take notes over PowerPoint

Devoirs :  pg 101 #5 (write questions), study être, question words, ER verbs/conjugations, subject pronouns (quiz this week !)

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Jeudi 03/03

More than half the class was gone today on a field trip so we played French Monopoly and listened to our song.

ObjectifStudents will play French Monopoly.

Devoirs: pg 100 #3 (question and answer): write question by putting est-ce que in front of the sentence given, answer yes to the question by replacing the people with the correct subject pronoun (je/tu/il/etc...) and restating the sentence.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Mardi 01/03

We went over some questions and homework.  We also learned a new verb, être (to be). 

ObjectifStudents will learn the verb être

A Faire:   pg 121 #3 (write the mini dialogues for each number, practice out loud in partners)

TEC:  pg 99 #2 (orally)

Devoirs :  Take notes yellow box pg 99 and study vocab.  Pg 99 #1 (rewrite the whole sentence with the correct conjugation of être)

*All dialogue presentations and missing quizzes (last week) must be made up by the end of tutorial this week or you will get a 0.