Friday, February 27, 2015

Vendredi 27/02

We continued working on describing the physical and personality traits of ourselves and others, learned some new vocabulary for places and the expression “etre d’accord” (to agree).  We also played Battleship to practice verbs.

A FaireWrite physical and personality descriptions of the people in the PowerPoint

Travail en Classe (TEC)pg 102 #8, Take notes over places PowerPoint

Devoirs : pg 102 #7 (negative answers), Choose 3 people you know to describe…At least 1 must be female !  Give name and relationship to you, 2 physical and 2 personality attributes and make necessary adjective agreements!  Practice verbs and describing yourself!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Mercredi 25/02

Today we continued practicing etre (to be) as well as officially learned how to form questions and how to make negative sentences (even though we’ve been using them for a while.)  We also looked at some letters from French students (written in English) and discussed how even though their English isn’t perfect, we were able to understand (much like our French!)

A Faire:  pg 101 #5—write questions using “est-ce que”.  Write answers using « il/elle », make ½ affirmative and ½ negative, and use some of the expressions for conversation we talked about on pg 101 (yellow box)

Travail en Classe (TEC)pg 100 #4 (orally in partners)

Devoirs : pg 103 #10 (say where the people are NOT—thing in parentheses. Use the appropriate conjugation of etre and ne..pas to form your sentence.)  Finish Lecon 14 handout by doing #5 (translate and write the questions carefully—use what you know!), practice question list #1!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Lundi 23/02

Today we did more practice with the verb “être” and learned about some place vocabulary.

HandoutsVisual dictionary

A Faire:  Leçon 14 handout #3 (complete sentence using conjugation of être and the place vocab based on picture)

Travail en Classe (TEC)Make visual dictionary entries for each of the 12 new vocab words for places on pg 99 in the yellow box (only have to do à + city once!).  You must have an image and a sentence in French…NO ENGLISH!  Underline the new vocab in your sentences!

Devoirs :  finish visual dictionaries, pg 99 #1 (use a conjugation of etre to connect the 2 parts of the sentence and say where people are.  You must write the entire sentence!)  Study question list #1.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Vendredi 20/02

Today we learned some new adjectives (regular and irregular), practiced making adjective agreements, and learned all the conjugations of the verb “être”

A FaireLeçon 19 handout (front/back, turn in by Monday !)

Travail en Classe (TEC)pg 99 #2 

Devoirs Leçon 14 handout #1, #2, #4; take notes over yellow box pg 99, study/practice/memorize être, finish leçon 19 worksheet (if you didn’t in class)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Mercredi 18/02

Today we learned about physical descriptions (pg 138-9) and reviewed adjectives of nationality.  We also listened to our song.

A Faire:  pg 165 #6 (write out, do orally, make one up for #5)

Devoirs : Crossword (front) and in complete sentences, on the back: #1 & #2 (choose a male and female person to write about, give 3 physical attributes and at least one negative—saying what he/she is NOT!) 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Vendredi 13/02

Today we continued to practice making adjective agreements and celebrated Mardi Gras with some crêpes!

A Faire:  pg 164 #5 (#4…”ont” = “have”)

Devoirs : pg 165 #7 (apply what you know about adjectives/nationalities, make agreements), pg 163 #4 (at least 2 for each, make agreements), practice  question list 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Mercredi 11/02

Today we practiced colors and adjectives of personality (pg 163) and making adjective agreements based on gender/number.  We also started learning about Mardi Gras and Carnaval, and planned our “fete” for Friday.  DON’T FORGET YOUR PARTY SUPPLIES!!

Handouts:  Mardi Gras handout

A Fairepg 163 #2

Travail en Classe:  Take notes over presentation about Mardi Gras/Carnaval (PowerPoint is in French but will be posted on Friday after we finish)

Devoirs : pg 163 #3 (1 affirmative and 1 negative for each person listed), study vocabulary on the front of the Mardi Gras handout and then do the word scramble on the back. BRING PARTY SUPPLIES!!


Monday, February 9, 2015

Lundi 09/02

Today we had a guest speaker from Andeo who shared her experiences taking her French studies out into the world (traveling!)

TEC :  Take notes over speakers presentation

Devoirs : Write a short (5 sentence) reflection about todays presentationinclude at least 2 new things you learned and how it applies to you/your life.  Color handout #1 (answers only, make sure your colors agree with the thing your describing)

Friday, February 6, 2015

Vendredi 06/02

Today we continued to practice using the 24hr clock and how to talk about having a meeting/date.  We sang our songs, learned about colors and made corrections to the last quiz we took.

A Faire:  pg 29 #5 (write Isabelle’s parts and do orally in partners)

Travail en Classe:  Write out the following times in words and show to your partner on a clock.
24h, 13h15, 19h52, 17h30, 15h00, 22h07, 14h45, 20h25, 16h39, 21h16, 12h, 18h36

Devoirs : Color handout #2 (write out the question following the pattern: Est-ce que ______ a ______? And the answer including the color of the object) & #3 (Write a sentence saying the color of the animals, use logic or the labels to decide the colors), practice question list and ER verb conjugations and meanings

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Mercredi 04/02

Today we had a substitute.  We did more practice with telling time and with the 24hr clock.  We also did some listening (and singing) practice with our songs and reviewed ER verb conjugations with the game Navire de Guerre (Battleship).

A Faire:  pg 29 #4 (write your answer then do orally in partners.)

Travail en Classe:  24hr clock/partner practice (see worksheets for directions, there are 2 versions, 1 for each partner A/B)

Devoirs : l’heure devoirs1 (front and back)

Come to French Lunch on Friday to challenge the other class in a sing-off!!  I will bring some treats to share and you may too!  There will be prizes for the participants in the winning class!!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Lundi 02/02

Today we did more practice with telling time, practiced some questions, and listened to our new song.

A Faire:  pg 29 #6 (write out responses and do in partners)

Devoirs :  pg 29 #3, pg 95 #2 (write both sides of the conversation)